Always Been Yours

Chapter 1426

Chapter 1426 I Didn’t Cry

Stefania gave Kieran another whack as she vented her grievances.

He whined, feeling wronged, "But I had no say in this! I didn't want to hide this, but Nicholas told me to fake my death. So, he's the one you should be hitting, not me!"

"You just did whatever he told you to do, huh? Are you really that obedient?" she went on and playfully gave him a few more slaps for good measure.

Their interaction tickled Tessa, and the corner of Nicholas' lips also turned slightly upwards into an indiscernible smile.

After a while, they stopped fooling around and Gregory took this opportunity to dash toward Kieran. He gripped Kieran's thigh tightly as he raised his head and said in a cherubic voice, "Uncle Kieran, welcome back. Don't get into any more accidents after this. You really gave me a scare this time."

"Don't worry. It won't happen again," Kieran assured tenderly as he ruffled Gregory's dark hair.

"Nicholas said that you were seriously injured. How are you feeling now?" Tessa asked in concern.

The elders also turned to him, looking at him with worry in their eyes.

but I just need to stay in the hospital a few more days for observation."

time and rest well in the hospital in the next few days," Remus advised solemnly. Kieran knew that his grandfather was merely looking out for him, so he gave him an obedient nod.

thought of Timothy. "By the way, Timothy was distraught that you were involved in an accident. I'll give him a call right now," she said and took out her phone to give Timothy a call. Alas, the person who

couldn't tell Timothy the excellent news herself, she briefly told Sabrina about the situation and promptly hung up the phone.

aside with a broad smile on her face. She was absolutely bursting with joy when she caught sight of Timothy leaving the conference

grin on her face, he inquired curiously, "What's got you so happy? You're practically grinning from ear to ear."

He's alive and at the hospital now," she blurted, immediately telling

was stunned by her words. When his mind finally rebooted, he parted his lips

him a visit in the hospital. I'll fill you in on

she dragged him out of the company and told him everything that Tessa had said over the phone while they were making

at a loss for words after listening to the tale. Yet, the moment he laid his eyes on Kieran, who was alive and kicking, he felt that a great stone had been lifted off

you cried tears of sadness when you heard that I

all know from movies, villains don't die that easily, and I know that you'll survive longer than that," Timothy said,


and they stayed in his ward

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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