Always Been Yours

Chapter 1427

Chapter 1427 He Can’t Be So Heartless

Nicholas' sharp ears naturally caught the hint of displeasure in his tone, but he merely smirked and said calmly, "I wasn't really thinking then."

Liar! Timothy sneered inwardly but didn't call Nicholas that to his face.

Soon, they reached Dynasty Gardens, where Tessa initially wanted Timothy and Sabrina to stay for the night. However, they insisted on returning, so she didn't force the matter.

When they were back in the living room, Nicholas asked the servant to help Gregory wash up for the night before he urged Tessa, "You should get ready for bed, too. It's been days since you had a good sleep."

"What about you?" Tessa asked, turning to look at him.

He wanted to tell her that he was going to the study, but she had already read his mind before he could even give voice to his thoughts.

She grabbed his hand and shot him a reprimanding glare. "You're not allowed to go to the study. Come to bed with me."

as he conceded to her mother henning. Therefore, he obediently washed up as they lay

so sleepy at the moment, so she started chatting idly with him.

as she was also kept in the dark about his plans, so she smacked his

I told you about it,"

immediately froze as she tilted her head and gave him a puzzled look. "When did

that Kieran didn't have a chance to get married? I told you that he'll have the

she said with a huff of amusement,

who didn't listen to me. You can't blame me for not telling

words to refute, but she jokingly threatened, "Don't lie to me again, or else I'll

day, Tessa and Nicholas woke up wonderfully well-rested

Nicholas. When Nicholas saw how anxious Edward seemed, he immediately brought him to the study and sat down at the desk

trying to get Adam and Joseph out," Edward said.

"They want to bail them out? I would like to see what they're capable of and how they plan to do it."

police. Their main intention was to bail out the elderly men, but the officers in charge harshly denied

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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