Always Been Yours

Chapter 1429

Chapter 1429 Will You Return to Group Two?

Adam narrowed his eyes as they took on a dangerous glint, as he decided to strike back. "Since they have already played their hand, there's no need for us to show them any mercy, either."

Unbeknownst to them, their every move was within Nicholas' calculations.

When Edward was informed that Zachary and the others had visited the police station once more, he immediately went to knock on Nicholas' office door. "President Sawyer, it seems like Zachary and the others already found out that Master Kieran is still alive and departed for the police station again."

"I got it. Continue to keep an eye on them and let me know once they make their move," Nicholas instructed firmly, to which Edward nodded.

That night, after Nicholas returned home, he had dinner together with his family and then took a stroll with them in the garden. While Gregory trotted around in the front, he and Tessa walked behind hand-in-hand, chatting casually until the conversation somehow led to the topic of Zachary and the others.

"I heard from mom that Uncle Zachary and the others went to look for Grandpa today and made him furious. So, I think I'll bring Greg and Gordon to his place tomorrow to spend some time with him and take his mind off things."

Nicholas contemplated her suggestion before shaking his head and turning down her idea, saying, "The next few days are a critical period. It's better if you don't go out with the kids because I'm worried that they will set their sights on you and the kids. Inform Timothy to watch out as well."

However, the next couple of days passed by peacefully. Nevertheless, Nicholas didn't let his guard down.

Early in the morning, after he arrived in his office, he called Edward in and asked, "Were Zachary and the others up to anything for the past two days?"

Early in the morning, after he arrived in his office, he called Edward in and asked, "Were Zachary and the others up to anything for the past two days?"

anything unusual

that this was just a pretense for them to relax their guard. Hence, he instructed, "Continue to keep an eye on

sir." Edward

room, playing with Gordon, until her phone started ringing. It was a call from Sofia, and she first asked about Tessa's health before proceeding to her main

you be interested in being a special guest performer for

performing again?" Tessa

"Yes, they've been practicing for a year. It's about time to introduce them to the

seemed light and unbothered, Tessa could hear that this comeback performance was very

heard Sofia piping up once more, "By the way, there's another reason why I'm asking about your return. I would like to hand Group Two over to you for you to manage.

Group Two?" Tessa gasped

"You're doing very well in your career now as you already have fame and your own compositions. Regardless, if you would like to progress further, solo development is no match for team achievement. Therefore, my initial plan

helped me to

understand what you mean, but I've never

rushed to reassure Tessa, "That's not a problem. Alice will be there to help you out then. Moreover, you have to take the first

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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