Always Been Yours

Chapter 1430

Chapter 1430 Kieran Is Back

Tessa reciprocated Nicholas' hug and told him what happened at home during the day in a soft voice.

He listened attentively as a calm feeling enveloped him.

After that, she asked him about the company. "The company should be back on its tracks now, right?"

"Yea. Everything will be settled once Kieran is discharged from the hospital." Nicholas nodded.

Then, they continued to chat for a while more when Tessa suddenly remembered the call from Sofia in the morning.

"Miss Sofia wants me to return as a guest performer and treat it as a chance to get to know the other members better. She wants me to take over Group Two." She paused for a moment and looked up at him. "Is it convenient for me to leave the country now? Would it be troublesome?"

She asked because she knew that even though he had settled the company's matters, Joseph and Adam were still a ticking time bomb, set to explode.

Nicholas understood her concern and couldn't help but feel sorry yet amused by her worries. Thus, he tightened his arms around her and said lowly, "Don't worry. You can do whatever you want. But, if my wife has to keep fretting before doing anything, it means I've not been a good master of the Sawyer Family."

A warm feeling filled Tessa's heart as she was pleased to hear his confident and doting words.

his following sentence was far from sweet as he continued, "It's just that

because matters with Joseph and Adam were far

shook her head lightly with a smile. "It's

was decided that Tessa would fly

a family before Nicholas went

Sofia's number while

join the performance.

can spend Christmas with your family

as she also wanted to stay home and spend

time, Kieran, who had been staying in the hospital

are arrested, I don't need to play dead. Can I leave the hospital now? I've been lazing

about Kieran's condition. "You can be discharged if the doctor says you're good to leave."

as a fiddle," Kieran exclaimed with a


a moment before requesting Edward's presence.

Ask the Public Relations Department to release a statement saying that he's fine."

whisked out his phone to make

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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