Always Been Yours

Chapter 1433

Chapter 1433 All About Luck

Tessa was exceptionally patient with these people. In fact, she even cheered those who had no luck with the lucky draw this evening, encouraging them not to give up and try again next year.

And for that reason, the employees of Sawyer Group loved her even more, for they could sense that Tessa had no airs.

Later, several of them even came forth and proposed a toast. "Happy Holidays, Miss Tessa."

"Thanks." Tessa substituted the wine with fruit juice as she toasted them in return, one by one.

Furthermore, she would also take the initiative to find topics to communicate with the employees while they were still at the party.

All in all, Tessa got along with them like a house on fire, and she successfully gained the favor of countless employees.

During this period, Stefania and Tobias also kept tabs on Tessa from the side.

They were extremely satisfied with Tessa's grace and decency.

As family members, Timothy and Sabrina also showed up halfway through the lucky draw.

Since the employees of Sawyer Group were familiar with them, they greeted the two politely, "President Reinhart, Miss Gulliver, you're here as well. Happy Holidays."

"Happy Holidays," the two greeted the employees back before walking hand-in-hand toward Tessa.

"Tess. Nicholas," they called out cheerily.

while Nicholas greeted them

their surroundings and commented rather tacitly,

year, so of course,

draw game she saw taking place in the corner of

lucky draw?" She shot Tessa an expectant look.

immediately. After all, those rewards were meant for

behind her hesitance just with a look. So, he curled his lips into a faint smile and permitted,

bounded straight to the lucky draw area immediately after expressing her gratitude.

she took an interest in the lucky draw event purely because she wanted to join in

her as he was worried that

the lucky draw game area, Kieran greeted them enthusiastically after he saw the two of them approaching. "Hey, you guys are here! So—do you guys want to

Sabrina had already placed her hand in the box while she

ticket. Unfortunately, luck wasn't really on her side that evening, for she only managed to draw a gift card worth ten bucks.

she still smiled happily. She even teased Timothy, "Here! A Christmas gift for you."

eyes were drowned with fondness and gentleness

appearance just then.

looked at Kieran with eager eyes, looking adorable

the lucky draw box to him.

was pretty lucky, for

handed over the prize and was about to say something, Gregory was already dashing toward

got a mobile phone. For you."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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