Always Been Yours

Chapter 1432

Chapter 1432 The First Prize

A brave employee stepped forward to greet Tessa.

"Miss Tessa, you look better than in pictures."

"You're so graceful too."

"I like you, Miss Tessa."

Tessa nodded with a smile as an acknowledgment of their praises.

Then, Nicholas gracefully walked up the stage.

Once he was right before the mic, everyone unconsciously fell silent.

"The new year is fast approaching. So, I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year and thank everyone here for all the hard work you've done."

Then, he paused for a moment as he scanned the whole room.

Tessa stood beneath the stage, looking up at the extraordinary man with pure, unabashed love in her eyes.

Nicholas spoke up once more.

"We intentionally asked for all the employee's wish lists. So, the prizes this year are quite something. The biggest prize is a car."

all the employees amped up.

Kieran walked over from the other end of the stage as he was the host for the

across his lips, "I'm going to let all of you in on

God! It's a luxury car."

into a heated discussion.

believe everyone is eager to get started. So, why don't we ask our handsome president to

look better than

they went along with his suggestion.

okay. I don't want

You should get the ball rolling!" someone in the crowd shouted,

still insisted on not participating.


crowd agreed with that. So, Tessa nodded and walked up the stage, not wanting to

over to her with the lucky draw box in hand and quipped, "Tessa, let's

we shall." She chuckled before reaching out her

didn't hesitate as she swiftly pulled out a ticket and passed it to Kieran. "And now it's your turn to do the honors. I think that it's best that I don't look."

a snap. "Let's see how lucky—"

in the slip that

asked in confusion, "What's wrong?

to see that she actually drew

the heavens! We were just talking about the biggest prize, and

employees had their mouths agape when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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