Always Been Yours

Chapter 1449

Chapter 1449 I Can’t Wait That Long

The kidnappers had also seen Nicholas, and they froze in their tracks as their faces became ghastly pale.

Before they could react, the bodyguards who were protecting Tessa earlier recognized them and shouted, "Boss, they're the ones who took Madam away!"

A murderous air exploded out of Nicholas. "Get them!!!"

At that exact moment, the men he brought with him immediately reacted and fought with the kidnappers. Of course, the other party wouldn't go down just like that. They refused to be caught without a fight.

Earlier, they ended the fight with the bodyguards in a draw because of their numbers, but this time, Nicholas had brought all the men he could bring with him just to search for Tessa.

The end spoke for itself when the bodyguards captured the kidnappers on the spot, and one of them had the pleasure of dragging their leader to Nicholas.

Nicholas glowered at him icily and demanded coldly, "Where's my wife?"

The reckless leader merely smirked and deliberately provoked Nicholas, saying, "Your wife? I pushed her off the cliff. If you get to the top of the mountain now, maybe you can still find her body."

fixed his dark eyes at the leader as he hissed through gritted teeth, "If anything untoward happens to my wife, I'll make

man, he bolted toward the top like a madman, and Edward quickly instructed the others

Nicholas to give them any instructions,


for Tessa, but it was quiet all around except for the sounds they were making, and they didn't receive any answer to their

were shaking from fear. Just then, he saw

Did you find

found a small piece of fabric from her

was indeed a fabric from Tessa's clothes. He was sure because he had personally picked her outfit this morning. He clutched the cloth in

carefully. Otherwise, why can't you find her? I'm going to look for her myself. She's probably waiting for me

he blocked Nicholas' path with his quick reflexes. "President Sawyer,

"Get lost!"

grimly shoved him aside. Edward didn't expect such violent resistance, so he staggered a couple of steps away. When he noticed that Nicholas was about to jump off the cliff, he lunged forward without hesitation, grabbed him from behind, and dragged

cliff, and without the need for Nicholas to

just like this. It's too

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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