Always Been Yours

Chapter 1450

Chapter 1450 Tessa Is Found

The men did as Edward instructed while he frantically searched for another rope and went after Nicholas instead of standing around.

Meanwhile, Nicholas carefully descended the cliff, looking for Tessa and shouting her name as he went.


Even though he knew that the likelihood of getting an answer wasn't high, he wasn't going to give up, and just like that, he searched for her by going down the cliff little by little until he discovered a clue on a big rock—two drops of blood.

Once he saw that, he quickly looked around.

At the same time, he instructed Edward to help him look around. "Tessa may have fallen from here because I found some blood here. Go and look over there. Let me know once you discover anything."

"Okay. Be careful, President Sawyer," Edward reminded and went in the other direction.

And so, both of them started searching along the trail of blood. Finally, Nicholas found Tessa lying motionless in the bushes and surrounded by blood stains. The sight was such a shock to him that he almost stopped breathing.

"Tessa…" he called out tremulously.

there was no answer from her, and he staggered over with his

go up and

even waste a single second as he had already started his way up the cliff. Once he was there, he was so relieved to see that the rescue team had arrived. Nonetheless, he knew that now wasn't

their efforts as they made their way

they returned with the stretcher, Nicholas following

swiftly undid the rope around him and dashed to Tessa's side.

she lay on the stretcher, and he couldn't tell if her chest was still moving. Both of these combined threw him

extended hand hung mid-air as he hesitated to place it on her.


came with the rescue team

ordered, "I

gravity of the situation, so she didn't protest at his manhandling and merely nodded. Then, she placed the

she started her examination, she couldn't

was soft, Nicholas heard her clearly and

may have tumbled down the cliff, but she didn't suffer any fractures. Most of her wounds are grazes, showing that she

were an utter bloody mess. It looked as though her skin had practically been peeled


his heart

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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