Always Been Yours

Chapter 1464


If Kathleen were willing to apologize to Tessa, she would beg for Tessa's forgiveness even if she had to put her reputation on the line. But now, it was clear that there was no room to turn things around for the better, so she could only leave the police station with a heavy heart.

In the hospital ward, Edward recounted everything that took place at the police station.

Tessa breathed a sigh of relief the instant she heard that Kathleen was finally apprehended by the authorities. "That's great. She has to face the consequences for the actions she has taken."

Nicholas nodded in agreement, and Edward added tentatively, "But I think Miss Hathaway intends to ask for a favor from you to let Kathleen off the hook."

"A favor? From me?" This news caught Tessa a little off guard, and she paused for a few seconds. Frankly, she had assumed that Hathaway would pay her a visit regarding Kathleen's issue, but Hathaway didn't show up after three days. So, Tessa figured that she wouldn't do anything of the sort.

Edward was unaware of her thoughts as he nodded and said, "I heard that Miss Hathaway has asked Kathleen to apologize to you at least twice, but Kathleen refused."

"If that's true, then she's definitely not coming," Tessa concluded based on her understanding of Hathaway.

Since Kathleen refused to come clean, Hathaway would definitely not plead her case with Tessa. After all, Tessa was the victim of Kathleen's malicious schemes.

In fact, everything was just as Tessa expected. After Kathleen vehemently refused to see reason, Hathaway immediately cast aside any thoughts of discussing this matter with Tessa. Instead, it seemed as though she intended to wash her hands off this matter, preparing to return home.

However, she still wanted to make a trip to the hospital to visit Tessa before she left. Thus, on the day of her departure, she found herself standing before Tessa's ward and cautiously knocking on the door.

"Come in." Tessa's gentle voice echoed from inside the room.

Hathaway forced down her anxiety as she pushed the door open. She was greeted by a pale-faced Tessa sitting on the bed with her head wrapped with bandages.

A startled Tessa looked at her and greeted, "Hello, Miss Hathaway."

"I'm merely here to visit you. How is your recovery?" Hathaway nodded lightly in return and passed a bouquet of fresh flowers to Tessa. She had brought them as a gift and also as a token of apology.

Tessa graciously accepted the flowers and said with a soft smile, "I'm recovering quite well. The doctor said that I could return home to recuperate after staying in the hospital for observation for a few more days." Then, she gestured to Hathaway to take a seat.

Hathaway exchanged some pleasantries with Tessa before mentioning the reason behind her visit. "Although I am here to check in on you, I can't deny that there is another reason for me to stop by here today."
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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