Always Been Yours

Chapter 1473


Mona filled her in on what took place at the prison, but Tessa thought that it wouldn't help matters even if she spoke to Hathaway. Nonetheless, she said, "Please pass the phone to Miss Hathaway."

Mona nodded and opened the door to the ward with the phone in her hand. "Miss Hathaway, Tessa knows that you're unwell and wants to speak with you," she said, passing the phone to her. Yet, Hathaway didn't even glance at her, and she couldn't help but repeat once more, "Miss Hathaway, it's a call from Tessa."

Still, there was no response from Hathaway, and Mona could tell that she didn't want to answer Tessa's call. Finally, out of wits, she placed the phone next to her ear again. "She doesn't want to answer the call, Tessa."

This came as no surprise to Tessa, and after contemplating for a few seconds, she suggested, "Give Mr. Brooks a call and ask him to visit."

Mona nodded and gave Scott a call after that. Unfortunately, as Scott was training abroad, he only managed to arrive the very next day.

The instant Mona saw a tall, dashing man rushing down the corridor, she jumped up from her seat to greet him, "You're here, Mr. Brooks."

Scott nodded and asked with concern, "How's Miss Hathaway doing?"

"She hasn't eaten for the entire day," she answered honestly. "I tried to talk to her around this morning, but she chased me out of the room."

Scott knitted his brows at that, and they entered the room after knocking. They were startled to find Hathaway standing by the window when they opened the door. Scott hastily cast a look at Mona, who understood what he meant and slowly approached Hathaway from the side.
Mona filled her in on what took place at the prison, but Tessa thought that it wouldn't help matters even if she spoke to Hathaway. Nonetheless, she said, "Please pass the phone to Miss Hathaway."

Meanwhile, he used his words to gain Hathaway's attention, "Hi, Miss Hathaway. How are you?"

Hathaway finally showed some reaction to the outside world after hearing his voice. She turned to look at the handsome man in the room, saying flatly, "Why are you here?"

"I heard that you're unwell, so I asked my mentor for leave to visit you," he explained. When he saw that Mona was getting close, he added, "Miss Hathaway, it's chilly by the window. Why don't we let Mona help you to the bed to rest, okay?"

Hathaway remained silent, and they took it that she had given her silent consent before Mona went ahead and led her to the bed.

After they took their seats, Scott caught sight of the untouched food, and his eyes filled with worry. "I heard about what happened to Kathleen when I was on my way here. Now that everything is carved in stone, it's all the more reason for you to take care of your health."

"Take care of my health?" Hathaway sneered. "My daughter is still alive, but she doesn't acknowledge me as her mother and hates me even when death is upon her. On the other hand, the career that I was so proud of has fallen so far behind. So, tell me, what's the point of me living?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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