Always Been Yours

Chapter 1474


Mona arrived at the hospital the next day after buying breakfast, but she was stunned to discover that the ward was empty upon opening the door. When she recovered from her surprise, she recalled the oddly emotional Hathaway yesterday and became so worried that she immediately turned around and grabbed the first nurse she saw. "May I ask if you know where the patient in this room is?"

"I'm not sure because I just started my shift. Why don't you call and ask?" the nurse said, returning to her work.

Mona whisked out her phone in haste and dialed Hathaway's number. To her dismay, the phone was turned off. In the end, she could only turn to Scott for help. "Mr. Brooks, Miss Hathaway is gone, and her phone is turned off!" she explained the situation frantically.

Scott was struck with worry after hearing that, but he regained his cool in a matter of seconds and said in a solemn voice, "Check at the prison. Maybe she went to look for Kathleen."

His words reminded her that it was Kathleen's execution day today. "I'm going to prison now. If it's convenient for you, please come over as well."

"Okay," Scott agreed and hung up. About fifteen minutes later, they met at the prison entrance.

After that, they explained the situation to the prison officer and, sure enough, found Hathaway in the waiting room. When Hathaway heard the sounds of footsteps, a shiver ran down her spine because she thought that Kathleen had been executed and the prison officers were delivering her body. To her surprise, it was Scott and Mona that she saw when she raised her head, and she sighed in relief.
Mona arrived at the hospital the next day after buying breakfast, but she was stunned to discover that the ward was empty upon opening the door. When she recovered from her surprise, she recalled the oddly emotional Hathaway yesterday and became so worried that she immediately turned around and grabbed the first nurse she saw. "May I ask if you know where the patient in this room is?"

Mona quickened her steps toward her. "Miss Hathaway, why didn't you ask me to come along with you? You gave me such a scare when I couldn't find you after I returned with breakfast."

"I'm here to pick up Kathleen, but it seems like she doesn't want to see you. That's why I didn't ask you to accompany me," Hathaway explained weakly.

Mona pursed her lips and found herself at a loss for words because there was no denying the enmity between the two women. Still, Scott came next to her when he saw this, patting her shoulder gently as a form of silent comfort. Then, he turned to Hathaway and asked in a gentle voice, "You could have asked me if Mona wasn't a suitable candidate."

Hathaway took a glance at him and suddenly changed the topic. "I considered your suggestion from yesterday through the night and thought that it was a great idea."

He was startled by her easy acceptance and asked, "So, you're planning to take a vacation once this is over?"

She nodded. "I would like to go on a vacation with Kathleen. When she was alive, she always grumbled that I didn't have time for her and only cared about the band and my students. She's about to leave this world soon, and I would like to spend the rest of my life with her."

Little did Scott expect that this was the answer he would receive, and after being in a daze for a few seconds, he agreed with a nod. "That's not a bad idea."
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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