I thanked God for saving me from a great storm. If the driver didn't open the door at a correct time I'd have been dead by now and cursing god for what I did. Teaching him Tamil made me feel happier than ever but when he was all excited about knowing the meaning of that I felt embarrassed. It's not even a bad word but still, I couldn't say that to him.

The next day morning, when I woke up as usual I traced beside me and realized he was gone as usual. But I got a smell of coffee on the table beside me. Not only coffee there was also a letter under the coffee.

Wait. What? I shouted inside me.

the coffee I took that letter and unfolded it. Before reading I smelled the paper as if it was a strawberry

Dear Anushiya,

learning Tamil with you. You know one thing, I'll be going to be the first person who learned a language without knowing the meaning of what I was saying because I'm trusting you that'd not be any vulgar words when I use that on any other native speaking people like my mom. You might be wondering what's wrong with me. I just started writing a letter for my... wife? No. A friend? Ammu. From now on I'm going

I trust you.

Yours lovingly,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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