I and Alice came out to buy a graduation gift for her son.

It's my first time walking out in Manhattan with the public since I came here. The streets were busy, you can hear police sirens 24/7, any time you can see a taxi but getting one is a tough thing, people were always walking faster than usual as if they were late for their last train to Busan. Large buildings, people with cigarettes even women are smoking. If I were now with me here, they should definitely blindfold me until she crossed past us.

While walking on that busy roads Alice nudged my hand to see that huge building. That building's entrance was made with glass and a squirrel-bitten apple in the center. Yes, it's an apple store. Not an apple store like the apple-apple store it's like an apple store. I was surprised when she dragged me inside that store. I've no idea why she was going over there.

Once we got inside the store I asked her, "Why are we here?"

"For my son, didn't I tell you?" she asked. Well, technically she said but...

"To buy an apple laptop?" I asked surprised.

only good and no.1 CEO of NYC, makes me buy this. He's paying me

just mention that he's a CEO?" she nodded. "Can I ask you CEO

know! You don't know anything about him?" her

say? We didn't even talk before getting married? It's an arranged marriage? I

look on my face. I thought

restaurant. We didn't talk much after that conversation I just followed her lead. Eating at an Indian restaurant was my suggestion. She ordered chicken biriyani for herself and

two meet?" she as the waiter placed

thought since we were going to live under the same roof and my only friend here in NYC, I couldn't resist saying her whole story of ours. I told her everything; just how crazy I looked when gave a surprise visit to our house, engagement, marriage,

weren't seen or talked to each other." I just

couple of days," I said as fast as I could

She chuckled.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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