Today I woke early than Arjun would have. When I went to the kitchen Alice was making herself a coffee when she sees me she made an extra cup for me too. Today Alice looks quite beautiful. She was wearing makeup. This was the first time I was seeing her with makeup. She looks beautiful in it. Sky-like sky blue in her eyes, eye shadow with the same color paint on her lips and she was totally in sky blue except for her hair, her hair was blonde as usual.

"What happened to you? You look like a goddess of sky blue." I said as my eyes widened, exclaimed.

She bit her lips and closed her face with both her hands and shook her head.

"Say! You knew I don't like being surprised." I told her. She was acting weird today including her dres' sense. Fully sky blue top to bottom even her shoes were sky blue.

She nodded. Then freed her hands from her face and turned her back to me and started talking like she was still shying to say.

"Today...." she pressed.

"What?" I asked excitedly without having patience in me.

"Today I have a date." She chanted.

I was confused. She said she was married and having a teenage son but how can this is even possible.

"Wait. Weren't you married?" I asked her.

She turned to meet my gaze and walked towards me and stood an inch or two away from me. She rested her palms on my shoulder and smiled politely.

"Yes, dear. I'm married but that doesn't mean I can't date my husband. Today's our Anniversary."

"Wedding anniversary?" I asked.

20th anniversary after he proposed to me." She said blushing, her cheek turned

they only mentioning these kinds of things like kissing, dating, then.... Cheating and then broke up and sometimes racism too. But in reality, things are different. Why these movie directors don't take the movies about reality. I was sure that reality-based movies would take the place

tale ending. And even in the camera focus was also only on those main characters. Why should stars have all the fun? Won't the moon worth it? Because, it's too beautiful for stars, I giggled for my poetess. Yeah, because people always searching for stars, there was countless out there but there had been and should be the only moon. So they'd already know that they can't afford the moon that's why they didn't even

this society Alice saw me unconscious about the presence and gave me the "What's going

tried to remember what was we talking about but then really didn't know what we were talked about. But I was sure I've to say something in this situation to assure her that

I sighed in relief. When she

say to me that you didn't think like that about me," she

out a nervous laugh with her. "No, I didn't" I

girl" she clapped

that's not at all true. People in India are different. Cultures in India differ from state to state sometimes even districts to districts in the same state, dresses, hairstyles, mythology, religions, and even languages. There

a topic to continue the conversation and she used my pause as

come to this kitchen?" she asked as cutting

Alice taught me the other day. So this coffee was going to be the

walked out of the kitchen I shouted, "Thanks, Aly." I just gave her a nickname which I didn't give very often, only to the people I love and trust more than I

"No mention, bud."

coffee mug on his table and opened the curtains as the sun burned my skin and my

heard him frowned

from the sun's rays. I saw

the curtains?" he

say no when he asked

his throat I looked him in his eyes. His hair was messy from his sleep, eyes tired. I took a step aside from him but he

made coffee for you," I said pointing at the table where the coffee

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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