He stared at me, grinning for a second.

"Are you ready?" he asked and that makes me nervous. What now?

"For what?"

He sat beside me as he pulled out his phone from the pocket of his coat and started tapping it on the screen. Already the sun starts to burn my skin. I don't need to take the sunbathe to get my skin tan. I'd already enough sun tanned in my skin. I was losing control each time I felt the burn in my skin.

My head was scanning for nothing in the swimming pool like if I get a chance to push him in it, I would do it without any doubt because I was done with the day. Yesterday Arjun scolded me, okay but today I made coffee for him as if the apologies for yesterday but at last what'd happened he yanked the spoon away and walked out of the room even without any backward glances. And here I was sitting in the center of the sun and getting my angry temperature high second by second. Arjun was saying about going out with him to apologize but before he could finish he dragged me from there. I can't scold Krishna for this even in a playful tone because he came all across the world to wish us and he was also my best friend, how could I?

The next second all I know was he placed his phone right in front of me just an inch or two away from my face. And all I felt was, I was crying and felt the teardrops in my eyes as it slides through my cheek like a fall. The screen I was seeing in front of me was my amma, appa, Jo... my whole family who I didn't call, after I landed in New York.

I was such a stupid girl with zero memory. I promised my amma to call her once I landed here in NYC but the first day itself not that great opening for me. So I didn't feel like sharing my worry with my family and make them uncomfortable or making them think that Arjun didn't talk to me more than five words a day, god knows how many words.

"Amma! Appa! Jo!" I shouted in excitement. To be honest, now I didn't care whether Arjun will get disturbed by my voice. At that time all I cared about was I get a chance to talk to my family. Seeing my sister remembered me of my wedding day of how we exchanged our hugs with a tear in my eyes and sadness in my heart. When I see my amma and appa behind Jo I was crying out loud, my appa told Krishna to comfort me and he put his arms around my shoulder and squeezed it, then relaxed and tried to concentrate on family.

"Amma, appa, Jo ellarum yeapdi irukeenga? (How are you guys?" we used to speak in our mother tongue, Tamil but when I married Arjun, the situation got complicated. I didn't even know whether he knows any language apart from English? I also know that some of the Americans take Spanish as their second language but who knows? Right?

"Fine," they all said at the same time.

"How about Arjun?" amma asked about his health.


"Where is he?" appa stared behind me as if there was an option to visit us now via phone.

"Taking a nap. He was always a busy person and a hard-working boss." I said as I was truly proud of Arjun.

We talked for a while, shared a happy smile, sad smile, laughs, giggles and it all felt like home again. But then one big question put the end card for that all different varieties of a smile.

"Is there any good news? How he was taking care of you? Do you like him? Do you love him?" amma continued.

"Amma!" I complained.

my sister

was sitting beside a man

I groaned.

by a bold voice

of each other. She likes me. She loves me. And she adores me." The voice paused and I turned my head to see the person and found Arjun standing beside me just an inch away from my back. He pointed my sister with his finger and said, "And you, that's

lying? Or was he doing me a

type of person whom I spent the week with. I was with the person who only hears the silence and the sound of tapping his keyboard. And sometimes not to forget to mention breaking things especially glass materials. I was with the person who can't control his temper. I was with the person who was so... arrogant. Yes, I just figured the correct word for his character, "Arrogant". But when he saw my parents he was... acting? I don't know how to refer to that word

Why in the hell she'd have to mention something that was out of the league. Amma was scolding her as appa was plucking her ear. She was acting like she was screaming in pain. Krishna was laughing a throaty laugh beside me.

was embarrassed in front of my

memorable gift that she'd ever gotten." He said, staring at me as if

all laughing except the person who was near me. Krishna and

kiss? This was because of my sister she was always like she can't control her emotions when it comes to her older sister, to embarrass me in front of everyone. And there were no mistakes by

be back," Krishna said as he stood and walked into

his arms around my waist, and tightened his grip. It was all his activities that I wasn't familiar with. Since when

And my

They all said

be nice to me aunty. I can't bear her. She always not listens to my words."

or else I'll come there and you know what I'd capable of."

all seems like my plate was already full. He said that I wasn't being nice to him? That wasn't fair at all. He was the one who always scolds me and didn't talk to me but he was complaining about me? He can't bear me? What did I do wrong for him to couldn't, bear me? Then what he said... Ahh! I wasn't listening to his words. Always. He barely even spoke ten or twenty words from the time I hear his voice and he was saying that I didn't listen to his words. "Be fair!" I was

his hand's grip on my waist gone tighter and I jerked by the sensation of his hand in my waist. When his hands on my waist I couldn't speak anything, only the air was coming out of my mouth

aunty. Won't you, Shiya?" He asked smirking at me. He used my nickname which was given by Krishna to me. He was the

around my waist tightened and my head not thinking still, except, "I will."

"Bye, call you later."

couple of minutes later I hung up the call. I thought he'll lose his grip as I tried to stand but his hand got my waist even tighter than before. He yanked me to sit with him and I sat with a thud. His gaze was on the swimming pool with stern eyes and

me. Let me go.


"Let me go."

beside me with a stern look on his face, his hands to his hips as if he was standing like a 'Bada Bheem'. Arjun pause where he'd fall

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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