As a bribe to accept her apology I asked her out and she said "Yes" without overthinking.

She was sitting beside me and she has no idea where I was taking her. After that incident with her annoying cousin, Krishna, I can't believe she defended me. I don't know if I'd do the same. This date is going to surprise her. I don't know if she knows that it's a date?

I turned to look at her who was looking away and staring at the window. She was wearing tight blue jeans and full sleeve sexy tight black tops-cropped V in the collar. Her hair was open and naturally wavy, that's what I liked her about, she doesn't put thousands of make-up layers to impress his man or society, and she likes to be who she is.

I locked her hands in mine and led her into the hotel. Her hand was shaky and the sweats were dripping in her foreheads, even the hotel was filled with cool air. She must be nervous I assumed. "Are you alright?" I asked her once we entered the elevator.

She nodded looking at the elevator door as if I let her hand free she'd fly from here.

The door opened with a ting sound. Once we get out of the door I turned to meet her eyes.

I saw her eyes widened in surprise, maybe shock. I freed her hand from my hold. She took a step forward and smiled. The glow of the serial lights dazzled in her brown skin. Her eyes shined like stars. She smelled like a strawberry cake. Really? A strawberry cake? My mind protested. She took in the arrangements that I'd done for her.


I was standing with my big eyes wide opened. There was a dining table for two and it was surrounded by candles even the terrace was loaded with candles everywhere. Heart red balloons were hanging on the top of the dining table. The edge outline, border of the terrace was lined up with rose pots, with different colors; the air was filled with rose over there. The lights were no bright and no dim it was perfect.

Not to mention it was like a romantic date from the Hollywood movies I'd ever seen. I thought those things will only happen in movies but when it was happening to me I couldn't believe my own eyes. I remembered a proverb in Tamil my amma always uses for no reason, "Kannal paarpadhum poi, kaadhaal ketpadhum poi." which means, "Seeing with the eyes is a lie, hearing with the ears is a lie" But how can I not believe what I was seeing right in front of me.

"Shall we," he asked as letting out his hand for me.

"Yes," I said softly and smoothly, well... I tried.

spread with rose petals and the side of the way was built with candle lights. He helped me with my coat and my seat. I started biting my inner tongue to hide my nervousness and blush. Well, it didn't help. It'd have helped if it was small of a deal but it was a big deal, huge. This was my

sat across from me and removed his coat button. "Do you like it?" He asked looking around as if he was asking about

much," I said with a

He laughed.

you liked it." He

looking away from

his uniform black pant and a white shirt with a black tie tied around his collar came to take order from us. "What can I get you, Sir?" he asked leaning down with note and pen on

totally unfamiliar to me. I can't even pronounce those words correctly; here are some of the foods from the menu that I struggled pronouncing even in

"Why Ratatouille?" he asked.

say correctly and know?" I said

He laughed.

stared at the sky. There were stars, a lot. "I like this

"Thank you,"

head to look at him. "Can I ask


know you were a CEO until Thursday Alice

don't like being a CEO

"And why is that?"

that. So we kept a deal, if he stops pushing me for four years I'd take over. I thought he can't do that so we made a deal but he was good with his words. He never asked or talked about his company as we said for four years. So he kept his

I assume you never talked to your appa

orders in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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