Baby Daddy Facade

Chapter 41: Have I found a man?

"Never explain- your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway." ~ Elbert Hubbard


Two years later.

Change of scenery, change of familiar surroundings, change mise en sc??ne was all it took ; was all I needed. Moving on and getting over something or someone are two different things and I seemed to be failing dismally at both.

New York was beyond beautiful, a busy city. I liked it here. I liked being close to my family, my brother would baby sit time and again. We would visit my parents every weekend or they would visit us here. Work was hard at first but Derrick was with me throughout the whole way, I could finally say I am the CEO of a legal law firm with plenty of professional lawyers who are always at a client's devoir. I called Richard Le roux every time I had some challenges, he was always willing to listen and assist where ever he could. He had helped me from when I was an intern at his law firm and even now he was still assisting me because he had alot experience and had my best interest at heart. I appreciated all the people that stayed in my life. People who were committed to keeping me in their lives as well.

One of them being Gray, after a year silent treatment, antagonizing animosity, breach of trust breaking, dissatisfaction and the blues; Grayson and Derrick Collins finally fixed their relationship as father and son. I helped them mend their relationship in any-way that I could because the fracas between both parties was also taking a toll on me since I considered both of them to be very important people in my life. Derrick finally accepted his son for who he really is and apologised for hurting him even though he had no knowledge of it. My friendship with Grayson grew rapidly and I trusted him more than anything or anyone he was and is my life line. The twins loved him, he instantly became family with my parents when I invited him last thanks giving although my father didn't like the idea of his sexuality, he didn't judge him or treat him indifferently.

Alma Le roux was initially someone I had always seen as a friend but I soon realised it wasn't the case in her end of the line. She saw me as a naive girl who was obsessed with her brother. With time you realise who was really there for you and who wasn't as well as who tried to pull you down. It didn't take a fool to realise that she had always been the one delivering the news about whatever Angelo did, most of them being things that would hurt me. Angelo's engagement, Yasmine's pregnancy, she always seemed excited to tell me news that would rip of my heart from my chest and cause me pain. That certainly wasn't a friend. I distanced myself from her over these two years. I congratulated her when she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, I said happy birthday to her, i said merry Christmas, i said Happy thanks giving, she said Happy new year; that's how it was. We didn't have a proper conversation, we just had one of those forced conversations whereby she would pretend she cared about me and ask how i was doing or if I had found a man...typical.

Typical, have I found a man?

the last two years only lasted less than four months before I felt like I couldn't do it anymore. I never had sex with them, it's as if my body didn't

today is their eighth birthday. I still feel like they are my

other for about a year and a half now. She was simply a nice person with her beautiful dark melanin skin. Cathy and I met

I giggled placing the party packs on the table outside near the

careful there.." I yelled at the little redhead boy who sat on the edges of the pool clearly afraid of

father six months back. Richard and Martha would always request that they come spend their summers in Los Angeles and honestly I didn't mind because I

their grandparents place, i knew they would also get some time to spend with their father. I had not laid my eyes on him ever since the incident at the airport last time I heard Yasmine had lied about the pregnancy, i don't know much and I didn't want to meddle in his private life, i clearly had mine to mind. I knew I made the right decision because we couldn't just pretend nothing had happened for the past seven years that he had not deliberately hurt me time and again. I couldn't let that go just because he let left his fianc??e on the altar for me. I needed to start over, i needed a do over and that's what I had achieved in the time I had cut

car is and he still won't sell it because his dead grandpa gave it to him." Grayson said rolling his eyes. "Hey Cathy." He said hugging Cathy then me right after. "Where are those little rascals ?" He removed his shades placing his

way thing were right now in my life. Tim soon showed up placing his own gift on the table. He greeted us with warmth. Tim was always a nice person, i actually considered him a friend considering he was my best friends boyfriend. Timothy Howe, his full name. How could I forget when Gray met him

now and get inside because it's time to cut the cake."


I can do." Tim asked

can grab some drinks for yourself and Gray." I smiled walking away, i instantly turned back to Grayson and Tim. "And Gray no alcohol this is a eight year olds party." I added

chairs near the pool. The sun was all out so it was a good

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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