Baby Daddy Facade

Chapter 42: I was now the best man.

"Life is just one damned thing after another." ~ Elbert Hubbard


Angelo Le roux.

Rejection, how exactly do you deal with that? This had been something, I had never ever experienced in my life. Remembering kindergarten when I first told a girl I liked her, she immediately gave me a small shy kiss on the cheek and ran away. Third grade, i kissed a girl for the first time and I loved it. Seventh grade, i didn't have to chase girls because they chased me. Sophomore year, girls practically threw themselves at me ; even at that age I still couldn't ask a girl out. As funny as it sounds, all I had to do was nod my head and say yes if I liked the girl back because they did all the talking apparently and I never listened. Senior year, i had already slept with half of the cheerleading squad. I didn't know if girls liked me because of my boyish charm, my reputation or my families reputation. Bottomline is rejection and I were never in the same sentence.

When she said no, I didn't expect it well I don't know what i expected. I just thought Raina was always in love with me so she would simply run back into my arms if I left Yasmine but boy was i wrong! Raina rejected me. On that day it didn't seem to sink in but as the week went by, i finally started to digest everything... she rejected me?! Wasn't she in love with me? what but why?

Brad had constantly told me that sometimes even if you love someone you need to be strong enough to put your pride first and let them go. This was a huge blow to my ego, i had never been hurt and for the first time in my life. I finally knew what heartbreak was. I don't know how many girls hearts, I had broken but all I knew was karma was a bitch.

a shower. The arrogant part of me kept on telling me.. 'You know she always comes back, she will call you any second.' I was wrong because she never even called me or not even leave me a one word text. It infuriated me that I was this needy,

voice and laugh from a distance made my heartbreak. She had moved on. I didn't know how we were going to deal with the fact that we have two beautiful kids together. Deep

come back.

a remedy to heal my broken heart, i hesitated at first but then agreed. I loved being a tourist because no one knew me, no one judged me, they just saw me as the white American

Taj Mahal with all the honey moon couples all around and it was a constant slap in the face. I could have had that with Raina but I'm an idiot. Overall it was a beautiful place with marble craved in a floral patten decorated with semiprecious stones. It was designed by the mogul emperor Shah Jahan in the seventeenth century who, when devastated by the death of his beloved wife Mumtaz-i-Mahal, decide to build

Wall of China, i couldn't finish it because I was worn out. That place was huge. Brad and I used the Jinshanling opening then ended up at the Pass Shanghaiguan. I couldn't keep up the distance was too much considering it is a apparently 6700km

hey Hayde?? was far more important. How could I forgot how they met, there is was sitting on the side of the Great Wall panting for my breath from how tired I was while Brad wasn't complaining. He just stood there taking pictures as other people passed us. He ran into someone and she fell on her butt, i couldn't help it... I laughed hysterically. Brad glared daggers at me until I cleared my throat. Some minutes later, the girl with grey somber eyes, shoulder length straight brown hair with bangs, a charming

who would have guessed.. Brad was finally happily married. It surprised me how Brad had absolutely no stress about getting married, i guess when you are marrying the one it's always that way. Why didn't I take my problems with Yasmine as

of her mother. I would ask them how she was?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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