Baby Daddy Facade

Chapter 43: No offense but

"A friend is someone who knows about you and loves you just the same." ~ Elbert Hubbard


Raina Williams.

"What the fudge are you going to do?" Grayson said in an irritated voice. "Why is he here? Did you call him? This is just great my BESTFRIEND FINALLY GETS OVER HER STUPID ASS FIRST LOVE THEN HE DECIDES TO POP OUT OF NO WHERE JUST GREAT." He yelled a little louder for my own liking so I immediately hit him on his left arm.

"Ow- that fucking hurts." He said in a hurt but amused tone.

"Gray, calm down first of all he is their father and hell no I didn't call him. He is here for them, it's their birthday and I don't think you and I or anyone should have a problem with that." I explained calmly.

"Did you see the way he was looking at you? that sexy devil-" i immediately stopped him from talking. Gray had the epitome of jumping into conclusions even if it wasn't necessary.

"We need to get back down stairs." I gave him an assuring smile.

I'm watching him." He let out a sigh and I hugged him because I knew, he cared so much about me that's why he was acting like this.

even removed his blazer leaving him and his bulky muscles in a white dress shirt. He looked so different but good type of different even the way he was talking to the kids or the way he glanced up at me. What what why is he looking at me? I immediately shut the glass door of the balcony. He gave me warming

were. The kids were sitted opening their

introduced..?" Tim said to Angelo who turned to me for help. Grayson rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his wine, i told him no alcohol.

this is Angelo my- i mean the twins father,

meet you too, man." Tim said swiftly making

of mine." I added trying to remove the attention

to meet you Cathy." Angelo said politely.

I honestly

was just being an awesome friend by protecting her from vultures who wanted to get in her panties then go back to their fianc??e so I pretended to be her boyfriend." Grayson

four pm and the kids parents were coming to pick them up. It had

to his boyfriend as he nodded in understanding. Cathy quickly disappeared as well saying she was

right after their party with just close family- do you want to stay?" I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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