Chapter 193 Given Up

“What did you just say, Matthew?”

When I saw her face, I felt angry. “Both of you, get out of my office! I have work to do.”

Ryan rushed in, holding a stack of documents. He frowned when he saw them.

Carol quickly gestured for them to leave. “It’s time to leave, Mr. Matthew.”


Seeing that I wasn’t alone, Matthew

de away.


Melanie shot me a glare. “Are you trying to seduce him again? Can’t you live without a man, you fucking


I grabbed the registration form, tore it into pieces, and threw it at Melanie’s feet. “Keep a leash on your

man. Don’t let him come here again.”

infuriated. “How


my attention to Ryan. “What do you have for me?”

me the documents. I glanced at them and


surprised. “We

smiled. “Grayson

always liked this development,”

Melanie stormed out.

she was gone and said, “There’s something else.”

“What is it?”

heard that ATL Empire failed to

sat up straight, stunned. “Do you think it’s true?”

nodded. “Word has it that there’s quite a buzz over at

happen? I muttered, feeling worried. Had ATL Empire encountered some kind


call. She confirmed that Echelon Group had offered only 2% more than ATL Empire, and it appeared that the latter had withdrawn

Why would Atlas give up on something he was so close to acquiring? I

didn’t pick up.

invited us to a celebratory party tomorrow night. It would be at Towers. It seemed like they couldn’t wait to tell the world


had been trying to secure the land for a long time. Why would he give up at this crucial time? When I tried to call him again, his

not again! Frustrated, I sank

when Atlas returned my call. I quickly answered,” Hey, why’d you switch off your

asked, “Why?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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