Chapter 194 The Party


Ava shouted, “Mommy, no phone calls at the dining table. Grandma says we aren’t supposed to talk so

much while eating.

I giggled and quickly put down my phone. I kissed her and said, “You’re right. Let’s eat.”

Atlas’s call had put my mind at ease. I was sure he had a plan in place.

The next day, Grayson walked into my office holding a large bag. “Ms. Chloe, your gown.”

I didn’t think Atlas was being serious. Grayson placed the bag on the coffee table and left.

Curious, I hurried over to inspect its contents. I pulled out a box and inside was a stunning white gown

with exquisite jewels.

eager to put it on immediately. Matthew had never bought me any nice clothing, let alone a gown. I had

was unaware of the dress

party. She agreed to

was a

going to the party. She said she would, so I told her we should meet there. As the invitation was extended

the evening.

was hosted in the grand banquet

Group had a long history in the real estate industry. Mercer, Atticus’s father, started as a subcontractor before taking over the company at 26. He

developer in Foswood.

had countless projects, including their very own Echelon Towers. One tower

was the

how grand the event was. It felt like a film festival, with everyone making

smaller company, so our presence was mostly courtesy. Frankly,

be there. Since my divorce was common knowledge, the situation was


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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