Chapter 176

Before going to the kitchen, Olivia wrote a list for the butler and asked her to prepare the ingredients referring to it.

In the kitchen, she used the available ingredients to prepare a bowl of meat soup for herself.

This type of soft dish was Isaac’s favorite, It was also one of the few dishes she excelled at. She was skilled in three types of cuisine.

They were the soft food that Isaac loved, the seafood dishes that Gillian favored, and the local dishes in Evervale with sweet and sour sauce that Jarron liked.

Only she did not know how to make the spicy cuisine that she loved.

The butler quickly returned with all the ingredients and herbs.

Lindy followed behind and entered the kitchen

She looked at the kitchen filled with ingredients and slightly furrowed her brow. “Ms. Olivia, if there’s anything you need, you can have the kitchen prepare it. There’s no need for you to trouble yourself.”

Olivia was holding a bowl of meat soup and slowly enjoying it spoon by spoon. When she saw Lindy approaching, she invited her to sit down.

“Do you want to try it?” She pushed the other bowl of untouched meat

soup over.

Lindy, accustomed to gourmet dishes and daily meals prepared by renowned chefs, couldn’t understand why she would be interested in this simple–looking bowl of meat soup.

However, she politely declined. “Thank you, but I just had lunch, and I’m too full to eat.”

Olivia nodded and continued eating without saying anything.

She sat in the chair, holding the spoon with her fingertips as she slowly scooped up the meat soup. Her movements were elegant, and her etiquette was impeccable.

Lindy initially had many things to say, but as she watched Olivia, she felt a sense of tranquility and didn’t want to disturb the moment.

She stood at the side and watched her eat silently.

In the spacious kitchen, there was only one table for food preparation. This originally simple place seemed to take on an elevated appearance




with Olivia sitting there.


The chef at the side even had an illusion that his table was placed well and was very suitable for having a meal.

Olivia sat at the center of the table, eating slowly and gracefully.

The people surrounding her watched Olivia as if they were waiters awaiting a guest’s call.

but no one

wiped her mouth with a napkin and

and asked, “Why are you

and not

stammered, as if she were a secretary reporting to her manager. “I,

eyebrow added to her unease. She couldn’t remember why she was

from the butler, who was also nervous. But being at a safe distance from Olivia allowed the butler to remain rational. The butler explained, “Ms. Olivia wants to personally handle the ingredients. Mrs. Patterson was concerned about it so

the reason

can just tell the chef what you want. You don’t have to do

has a congenital condition and needs gradual recovery. It’s best to use medicinal cuisine, and that’s

Olivia to come

yourself. We have a specialist

the bowl near the sink and said, “Medicinal cuisine isn’t easy to prepare. I’d rather do it




wasn’t working, Lindy stopped trying to convince her and

it wouldn’t be right to

But when she saw how Olivia was skillfully handling the ingredients, it became clear

quite surprised. Young people of Olivia’s age rarely cooked or even entered the kitchen. Moreover, Olivia had been

she find time

her without

explained unhurriedly, “My grandfather loves to eat my food. Whenever I’m in the kitchen,

“You are very

However, she paused for

eyes, she wasn’t filial


Isaac must have been very

chef and others helped with ingredient preparation, leaving Olivia to handle the medicinal

time, the chicken

to have two bowls today, and we’ll change to something else tomorrow.” As she spoke, she pointed at the small soup bowl nearby, “Use

starting to simmer the chicken soup, Olivia

Lindy remained behind.

get tired and said, “Mrs. Patterson, please go and rest. I’ll

nodded and



and suddenly complimented. “The location of that table

chef was pleasantly surprised to hear that even she thought his table was placed

much aroma when it was first stewed. But after an hour, as it was nearing

had a strong

butler sniffed, and her stomach immediately

chef, who was accustomed to delicious smells,

It was too fragrant.

it was a medicinal

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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