Blackmailed For Love

Chapter 30: Perverted behaviour

The limo came to a slow stop and a moment later the chauffeur opened the door for us.

I stepped out and then turned around to help her out.

But she didn't take my hand instead she ignored it and bumped my hand aside as she stepped out.

3 With a toss of her head, she walked ahead and I stifled a smile, for a moment I had felt bad but now seeing her attitude I felt my shoulders relaxing a little, but the tension that had gripped me since the moment I laid my eyes upon her was still there.

She was so fucking beautiful.

Her innocent beauty has matured, the curves on her make my mouth water and all I wanted was to undress her slowly like I would a well wrapped present, then I will lick every dip and slope of her naked body.

1 Her blue eyes were so wide and hazy with arousal, making my chest squeeze so tightly it was hard to take a lungful of breath without losing myself in her.

But even though need beat at me, I could never forget her betrayal.

I had lived through it and there was a constant reminder that won't let me forget.

I caught up to her and slipped my arm around her waist, she jerked at my touch but relaxed slowly after a moment.

The two men in white uniforms opened the huge glass doors and we stepped inside in the warm glow and classy ambience of the restaurant.

I gave my name to the attendee at the reception and he escorted us inside the dining area.

He was leading us toward the table that was visible from all directions and it wasn't something I wanted for tonight.

I asked him for another table and he said, "Sir, that table is reserved for someone else.

They are just late in arriving."

I shook my head.

"I would need that table or somewhere else that's private."

"Sir, our private lounge is booked for the night."

"So I have been told and if you can't accommodate me, I think we will have to leave."

I felt Elsa's eyes on me and her confusion for me making a fuss about the table but she would thank me later for what I planned to do.

The man lets out a depressed sound and said, "If you'll just wait, I'll talk to my manager."

Ten minutes later we had a seat near the window that looked out on the garden beside the restaurant and a vantage point from where we could see the whole dining room but not the opposite of it.

I slid on the sofa that was sitting with its back against the window and grabbed her hand when she started to sit in front of me.

She met my eyes and I said, "Sit beside me."

She looked wary, rightfully so.

But she didn't say anything as she sat down beside me, leaving several inches between us.

As she sat there, she wouldn't glance at me instead choosing to look around the restaurant.

asked, "How is your mother

1 "It's fine."

She mumbled.

I scoffed.

"It's more than fine.

than the hovel you were living

pull off the cold look, because Elsa had the eyes that always grant the other person a glimpse of heaven and deceives them into thinking that they are the window to the most innocent of souls, "If you know it then why ask? Or you

"It wouldn't go amiss,"

I muttered.

already paying for it by being with you and tolerating your perverted behaviour, I don't think I

knowing how my toy was sitting where I wanted to be, and said,

goosebumps scattered

a little, and discreetly

work just fine, I don't need you


parting her pussy lips filled my mind and I couldn't dispel it even as I tried hard when the waiter

long it would take

myself in front of her but it was long enough for the waiter to

"I will do it."

told the waiter, my voice thick because of the erotic images that ran through my

wanted for the meal and I

and maybe that

for the latter, I wanted her to crave her orgasm so she would ask me

drink and when she didn't move to drink, I

and she reluctantly picked

me to be drunk for

for my response as she said, "Probably a good


I growled.

fucking smirked before

I pulled out my phone and opened the app 1 had downloaded on the way

I dragged the lever on the screen to

and the slight way she jerked in her seat was

wide eyes came to me,


know I would never hit you but every time you try to be a smartarse with me I'll make

delicate jaw clenched and she pressed her

at me as she drank it in one long swallow then said, "Did I ever tell you how big of an arsehole you

looking down at

up on the

and she almost slammed the glass

white knuckled grasp and she dropped her hands

and she let out a whisper- a mixture of shock


her this time, not when my name sounded so perfect

"Do you want

She glared at me.

blue eyes spitting flames as she gritted out, "Go to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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