Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 19: Alice’s Provocation 

"Mr.Sullivan, I think… Perhaps you should let her in." Victor’s eyes turned frigid.

"Are you telling me what to do?" Alice felt her stomach tight.

She immediately shook her head and retracted her statement.

"No, you misunderstood me.I suggested that because I know my sister all too well.If she’s driven away without seeing you, I’m sure she’ll cause a scene.I remember she has done that several times in the past at the entrance of the company.What if this time"

"If she tries anything, I’ll have a good reason to call the police on her and have her arrested,"

Victor sneered Alice’s eyes lit up with malice, but she quickly guessed it with innocence when she looked back at Victor.

"Mr.Sullivan, Rachel is your ex-wife after all.If something happens, and the police arrest her, she will be immensely humiliated."

"Do you think I care about that?" Victor said with indifference.

"But… Please at least give me a chance to speak to my sister," Alice pleaded.

"Are you sure you can convince her to leave?"

Victor looked at her with curiosity.

"I’ll try my best, sir.If she doesn’t listen to me, you can hand her over to the police, and I won’t say a word," said Alice.

Victor stared at her in silence for a while.

With every second that passed by, Alice’s heart started beating faster and faster, and her palms started sweating.

The way Victor looked at people made them feel like he could see through their minds.

"Fine.Go ahead," he responded.

Alice breathed a sigh of relief when Victor was no longer looking at her.

She then swallowed her saliva, cleared her throat, and smiled.

"Thank you, Mr.Sullivan."

Afterwards, Alice left the office.At this time, Rachel was waiting in the lounge on the first floor.

time, and decided that if no one was

when she called Ivan to ask for a meeting

had gone home, she could tell Andy that she

long, five

stretched her arms out, took a sip of her cup of coffee, stood up, and grabbed her


shoes click-clacked on the


she wasn’t surprised to see

"Rachel, my dear sister."

stood face to

moment, for she was wearing high-heeled shoes, and Rachel was

in height somehow gave Alice

glanced down at Rachel and said, "You didn’t

of fact, I didn’t.It seems that the Sullivan Group had

lazily, ignoring Alice’s

in her past

a fraud, and a hypocrite-a complete


you’re so stubborn, you know that? It doesn’t matter if you won’t admit it.You’ve done everything you could to pester Victor, but you’ll only make

her eyes, half-closing

even make her

talking about wasn’t her, but the original owner of this body– the real Rachel. She wasn’t that Rachel

Alice saw that Rachel wasn’t responding and keeping her head down, she thought that Rachel felt humiliated by what she

that, arrogance and complacency returned to

convince him to remarry you? Allow me to tell you something.I’m here because

was spouting

to come here? Did he think that ten days at

composure, clenching her

"Rachel! You…"

out of ways to annoy me, just get out of my way.I’m

want to waste another second speaking

for not meeting Victor, so she couldn’t care less why he asked Alice to be

how dare you act so arrogantly here? This is the Sullivan Group’s headquarters!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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