Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 20: What Doesn’t Belong To You Will Never Be Yours 

Alice’s eyes glinted with fear.Her left leg took half a step back, preventing her from retreating and forcing her to hold her ground.

No matter what, she was not going to show her timidity! Rachel was pathetic.

There was nothing for Alice to be scared of.

She was certain that Rachel wouldn’t lay a hand on her here.

Otherwise, she would have a reason to get Rachel arrested, and she would get her revenge.

Alice kept trying to embolden herself, staring directly into Rachel’s eyes.

Right now, Rachel stood proudly in front of Alice.

As a matter of fact, Alice was half a head taller than her at the moment because she was in high heels, but Rachel looked a lot more daunting that Alice.

"You’re right about one thing, Alice," Rachel said with a straight face.

Alice’s reflection was in her eyes.

At the moment, Alice didn’t look very impressive.

"What?"  Alice stammered.

"What doesn’t belong to you, shall never be yours." Rachel grinned.

Before Alice could react, Rachel shoved her away, and stormed out of the Sullivan Group’s building.

Meanwhile, Alice was left there, dumbfounded for a long time before she came to her senses.

Rachel just satirized her for coveting something that didn’t belong to her! · 

Alice’s face turned grim.She was clenching her hands so hard that her manicured nails dug into her palms.She then turned around, watching Rachel walk away from the building.

Alice restrained her anger, and shouted, "Rachel, I’d like to see how long you can keep up your stubbornness!"

Changing Victor’s mind once he had made a decision was nigh impossible.

The Bennet Group’s bankruptcy was practically set in stone.

Rachel was just wasting her time if she was going to keep on struggling! Alice took a deep breath, took out her phone and dialed a number.

Moments later, the call connected.

is Alice.There are still some omissions in Bennet Group’s debt list that I gave you before.I’ll sort out the latest list and send it to you via email.The total amount of debt the Bennet

specifically instructed me that all the debts must be paid

leaving the Sullivan Group,

cafe was located in a

was around thirty square meters, and was packed with more than ten

good, it

have to show their IDs to rent a

around two in the afternoon, the hottest time of the

school students who skipped classes to play computer games here, and only the sound of clicking keyboards and mouses could

and skilfully unplugged the network Moments later, she started

the computer monitor turned black, and a series of codes appeared from the top of the screen

a while, a web

forum Additionally, this forum had no URL, for it was built on the dark

the posts

to stand behind her and look at the monitor, that person would be shocked by the posts on

post that belonged to this forum could cause a real

of this forum was

on the forum to make orders or

of orders

imagine or anything beyond your imagination could

someone’s life was

was literally labeled with

any order could be

neither of the two parties trading on the

international criminal

cafe for an hour and a half before she went back

room, Andy and Abby had been waiting for

glancing at the door every half hour to see

long last, Rachel had

Abby stood up

"Miss Bennet, you’re back,"

greeted her, taking out Rachel’s

Rachel nodded in response.

hesitated and wondered how to ask Rachel about

just before she could utter a word, Andy chimed

Bennet, what did

those words had been spoken, both Andy and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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