“That’s right! You were the one who invited us to this press conference. Naturally, we have the right to report what happened here today!”

“Hear, hear! You can’t be so aggressive just because TS Entertainment is doing well now!”

Sophie narrowed her eyes.

“Is that so? Why don’t you guys give it a try, then? Let’s find out whether or not TS Entertainment can assert control over this situation.”

With that said, Sophie made a call to TS Entertainment’s public relations team.

Once she handed the matter over to the professionals, the fan who assaulted Ysabelle was soon brought away by the police.

It was only after that did Sophie and Tristan head backstage to check on Ysabelle.

When they saw her, Ysabelle was drinking water from a glass. Her previous pallor had been replaced by her usual rosy cheeks, and Felix was still right beside her.

“Sophie, I’m sorry. I didn’t expect things to turn out this way.”

As the press conference had been broadcasted live, everyone on the internet was talking about what just happened.

Some were even making guesses about Ysabelle’s relationship with Felix because of Felix’s aggressive response earlier. Only a fool would think that there was nothing between the two of them.

Sophie went over to pat her on the cheek.

“You don’t need to worry about this. You’ve done well. Leave the rest to your coworkers, okay?”

Moreover, she’s a victim in this incident.

“How can I possibly rest now? My album is getting released today, but this happened…”

“Ysabelle, do you not trust me?” Sophie was confident in her ability to handle the issue.

can handle this well. You


discomfort after getting hugged by a stranger. As if that wasn’t bad enough,


the screen and realized it was from her grandfather. She picked up the

Grandpa. I’m with Felix right now.

happened, Ysabelle still did not want her family to worry

finally stopped the car, he

Felix asked. He had seen her trembling on the stage

Ysabelle forced a smile.

of her fans were guys, but she did not think much about it because she had never encountered

do I do?

carried her out to get some fresh air by the side of the road for

think of anything. Just know that I’m always by your side and that I won’t let anyone touch you anymore,” he

cried out, aggrieved. She loved singing, and she wanted to be a good singer. She could not wrap around her head why those crazy fans would do that to her. It

let him off the hook,” Felix assured. That man was a grown-up, so he has to pay

uttered, moved by

and leaned down

worried,” she said, certain

I’ll send

arms again before walking over to the car. With one hand holding her, he opened

he buckled her seatbelt for

was not the right time for him to talk about that with her. What he needed to do at that moment was to calm her

arrived, Ysabelle remained in the car instead of getting out right away. She knew

her lipstick and dabbed it on her lips. Afterward, she

the sight of Ysabelle trying to make

don’t want Grandpa to worry. He’s old, and I think he saw the

a wilful child, but she was trying her best

to see

right next to her, but he still didn’t react in time and allowed that disgusting man to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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