Felix brought Ysabelle upstairs, and she suddenly turned around to hug him. “Where are you going? Would you stay here and keep me company?” She didn’t want to be alone.

“Sure. I’ll stay and be with you today. Would you like to take a shower first? I’ll wait for you outside,” Felix said. She’ll feel better and relaxed after a shower.

“Okay.” Ysabelle went to shower.

Lincoln rushed home when he found out what had happened. The moment he arrived, he saw William sitting in the living room, seemingly deep in thought.

“Dad, is Ysabelle back?” Lincoln asked.

“Yes. She’s back.”

“I’ll go upstairs to check on her,” Lincoln answered. She has been pampered since she was little. I bet she’s spooked by what happened!

“Felix is with her.” Although William didn’t really like Felix before this, he knew Ysabelle would feel better with Felix around.

“Oh, I see,” Lincoln responded. Felix is a bit too old for Ysabelle, but I don’t mind his age if they’re both into each other.

“Why are you back?” William asked Lincoln.

“Dad, how could I not come back when something like that happened to my daughter?” Lincoln questioned. She’s my precious daughter!

“Well, I thought you only care about your work!” William mocked. None of this would have happened if Lincoln hadn’t been so invested in his career.

knew his father was unreasonably putting the blame on him, but

arrived. She wanted to be there earlier, but she was

house, she saw Lincoln and William sitting on the couch in the

heaving a helpless sigh, she walked up

asked. No matter what happened, we should

would dare to argue with him? He’s an influential government

I’ve neglected my family because I’ve been busy at work, but there’s really nothing I can do about it!” Lincoln explained. That’s just

wish for this to happen. Even if he was there, what happened would still happen,” Sarah uttered.

enough. It’s frustrating talking to you guys,” William grumbled. They’re all just a

check on Ysabelle, but he quickly

changing, Felix

Drink this. It’ll help

you find me dramatic? What happened wasn’t that big of a deal, was it? Yet, I made so

best girl on earth, Ysabelle. Everyone just cares about you, that’s all. I’ll never let

the milk and got into

what would happen to my album after everything that unfolded during the press conference! Everyone worked so hard for my album, and I was very confident it would do well. I didn’t expect such a thing to happen

Why is she still

else. Sophie will settle everything for you,” he urged. If Sophie can’t even deal with such a minor issue,

“Felix, are you mad at me?

Felix took a deep breath. Okay. I shouldn’t behave like this. Otherwise,

you to take good care of yourself and not think

nodded in response. I know, but I can’t control my emotions, can I? A lot of people invested their time and effort

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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