Cherry and Chesty had known each other for over half a year.They got along very well and were already good friends.

They had already planned to meet when she got back to the States, so she agreed as soon as Chester said that.

Chester asked eagerly, "Which room are you in?'' Cherry was about to tell him the room number when she suddenly thought of something.

Instead, she said, "Not tonight, my mom is asleep.Let's do it tomorrow instead."

Chesty suddenly laughed.

"Everyone says that you sound like a little girl only because you're using a voice changer and that you're, in fact, a dirty middle-aged man.Can you tell me whether you're male or female?" Cherry grinned.

"It's a secret."

California was in the west of the States, and the humidity in the air was just right.It was mild in winter and dry in summer.

With the curtains in the room closed, the room was completely dark, which made it very suitable for sleeping.

It was already in the middle of the day when Nora finally slowly opened her eyes.

She checked the time it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

Cherry and Mrs.Lewis had already had lunch, so she simply called for takeout.

At the same time at the hotel entrance.

With a complicated look, Angela watched Anthony hurriedly enter the lobby.

She clenched her fists.

During the past few days, Anthony's attitude toward her whenever she called had been very perfunctory, and all he asked about was Idealian Pharmaceuticals each time.

A woman's sixth sense told her that something must be wrong.

Thus, she had trailed Anthony early this morning.

Little did she expect that she would be here.

Hotel Finest was one of the most expensive and upscale places in California.

Angela quietly followed Anthony in and saw him turning into the bar on the first floor.

He took out a wad of cash, handed it to several waiters, and instructed softly, "...You know what you're supposed to do, right? Act according to my signals tonight!"

"Yes, sir.'' After they dispersed, Anthony took a deep breath nervously.

head and started to draft a

from the bar on the first floor.I'd like to invite you to the bar downstairs at 8 pm: After sending the text message, he raised his head and looked at the setup in front of him with

had offended the pretty woman last time,


o'clock tonight at Hotel Finest's bar in the lobby.Be there or be square' He had reserved the whole place and was asking his friends to come over and cheer for him.However, he didn't realize that he had accidentally also selected Angela's name when he

left, the


surprise.He must be intending

fiancee is

cheeks turned a little warm as she

surged up from the

being unfaithful ? She really shouldn't

a text message sound notification on

a message from Anthony: "Eight o'clock tonight at Hotel Finest's bar

Angela couldn't help laughing.

tone was exactly the same as whenever he asked her

never have imagined that

in a good mood

happened to see Nora, who was dressed in her pajamas and slippers,

downcast, and her smooth

her facial features were impeccably

sleepy appearance made her seem a little

that, the air around her


couldn't curb her

could that woman possibly afford to stay in Hotel Finest?She was definitely

quickly took a couple of steps toward

don't even have any clothes anymore, yet you still insist on staying in this hotel.Are you planning to seduce some rich guy here, Nora? How about taking a good look at yourself first? Do you

reading a text message on

tapped twice on her cell phone and deleted

she said indifferently, "Uh-huh.At least I have

cat-like eyes swept across Angela's

of hers were very

Angela was infuriated.

shameless? Or was

meant both ? She

Then, she suddenly smiled.

abandoned child of yours is? If

was pretty? Didn't Anthony dump her all the same anyway?! She wanted Nora to see with

Nora's eyes as she looked at her

pm at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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