Nora frowned.

Before she could answer, a gentle but anxious voice reached them.

"Are you trying to drive me to my grave, Henry?"

On the hospital bed, a gentle middle-aged woman wearing a hospital gown struggled to get out of the bed.

Her hair was all shaved, and she looked frighteningly skinny due to her illness.

Her cheeks were sunken, but it nevertheless couldn't hide her gentle personality.

She was Irene Smith, her aunt.

Nora took a couple of quick steps forward and sat on the edge of the bed.

She held her hand and greeted, "Aunt Irene.’' Irene looked at Nora up and down for a moment.

Then, her eyes turned red.

"You look so much like your mom after you've slimmed down, Nora.'’ Her voice trembled as she spoke.

"You've had such a hard time outside all these years.’' During the five years when she lived abroad, Henry had never given her a single cent.

It was instead her aunt who always sent her some money as living expenses.

Although it wasn't much, it was her way of showing her kindness.

Nora's heart was warmed.

At this point, her stepmother, Wendy, said, "Nora, your aunt has been pretty nice to you ever since you were a child, right? She's sick now, and you're the only one that can cure her! You won't watch her die, will you?"

Nora frowned.

A brain tumor...

She casually tugged off the medical report and CT scan next to her and started to read them seriously.

A naggy Wendy said, "Your aunt's operation is too difficult, Nora.A moment of carelessness and she'll suffer brain damage, so no one in the hospital wants to do it.Dr.Larson, the head of the Department of Neurology in this hospital, is Angela's professor at the School of Medicine in her college.If she begs him to do it, maybe he'd be willing to take the risk and give it a go"

Wendy sighed at this point before continuing.

"But now, Anthony's saying that without the company, he'll never get engaged to your sister.Your sister is terribly upset and in a bad mood.You can't possibly ask someone for help in such a gloomy manner, right? So, as long as you give your sister the company, we'll let Angela beg Dr.Larson for help.Whether your aunt's operation goes through or not completely depends on you now."

When Wendy finished speaking, Henry shouted angrily, "You must also apologize to Angela for sabotaging her marriage proposal, seducing Anthony out of spite, and for hitting her!"

was pretending to be the good guy, said, "We're a family.What are you saying all these for? Sigh,

putting on a joint act, Nora finished

indeed a little

the slightest carelessness would

take on a surgery like this even in New York,

aside from her, that

after hearing what

thing that Nora's mother left for her.How can the two of you be so

Wendy smiled.

for Nora? Henry and Nora's mother were husband and wife at that

"You're so shameless...!"

looked at

incurable.Even if you sign the agreement and have them perform surgery on

again when

put down the medical record and

was in serious condition, and it indeed didn't brook

contact the hospital and borrow their equipment

expect that she would just up and leave like

from the ward in the blink

cursed, "She's a total ingrate.Your kindness toward her was

Wendy also spoke sarcastically.

in the end, she didn't even want to stay a moment longer here

bit her lip with

doctor had nothing to do

presidential suite of

noon, Pete? This section is completely blank! How are we supposed to proceed with the afternoon syllabus if you do

the assignment that obviously hadn't been

instead stared at the tutor

at me for? I heard that your father completed all these lessons effortlessly when he was your age.Don't you even know how to do this question? If that's the case, then it

heard the

taut as he


already knew how to solve these problems

wasn't stupid! But as soon as he

you include the problem-solving process? I've already told you so many

for such a

hand, took the ruler, and struck his palm hard a few

Pete's eyes widen, yet he pressed his lips together tightly and

for not attending the class seriously.Now,

until even his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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