A gift? Henry narrowed his eyes.

"What kind of gift is it?"

Could Nora have been stung by her conscience, so she was planning to give him some money? She had ultimately grown up with them, right? When she was still a child, she even used to look at him eagerly, hoping that he would hug her.

Henry's eyes were shining as if they were full of greed.

Nora, who didn't know what he had imagined on his own, handed him the other DNA test report that she had printed with the bank statements.

She said, "I hope the gift is to your liking."

It was a document...

Could it be a company ownership transfer agreement? Had that daughter of his finally been stung by her conscience, and decided to transfer ownership of the tiny Idealian Pharmaceuticals in California to him? With that in mind, Henry flipped open the document.

Wendy, who was standing next to Henry, also breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't have any savings, so they fully depended on the dividends to survive.

After all these years, they had also become accustomed to spending extravagantly and couldn't get out of the habit right away.

The lack of income during the last couple of months had suffocated them badly.

She said with a smile, "Nora, even though we aren't related by blood, it's still true that we've kept each other company for more than twenty years.On account of how you've called Henry your father all these years, thank you very much for your help this time"

After speaking, she turned back to Henry and asked, "What ‘s that, Henry?"

Henry was already frozen in place.

He raised his head in disbelief and looked at Wendy.

When an excited Wendy asked him that question, at last, he couldn't hold himself back anymore.

He suddenly reached out and grabbed her throat.

He looked savage as he demanded, "Tell me, whose daughter is Angela?!"

suddenly questioned like that, Wendy

and said, "Let go of

a little when he heard

Henry away and

she looked at Nora menacingly and dropped

did you say to Henry,

extra DNA test done, that's all.Of course, if the two of

added, "Oh, I forgot that you guys

casually and naturally, but also

test was done by Lily herself, so there was no

or not?! Wendy, you'd best not lie to me!"

things had come to this point, she knew

result would still be the same anyway, even if

ran a couple of steps toward the police and

she poked her head out and said, "That's right, Angela isn't your daughter! But this is

Henry was taken aback.

sobbing Wendy said, "You abandoned me for money and prestige back then! After you married that little bitch, you said you would marry me once she died! But what happened after she died? What did

that woman, Yvette Anderson, refused to let you touch her, so you were with me during the marriage, but what happened in the end? After using me to vent your sexual desires, you decided to deny responsibility? What makes you think you can do that, Henry? Did those few years of


seem to ever get pregnant when I was with you, so I simply decided to go to another man instead...It was only after I became pregnant and drove

a rage and rushed

"You bitch! How dare you lie to me and trick me into

policemen's arm and cried out, "Sir, someone's trying

Ford didn't move.

it out if you have a problem with

chest heaved up and down in

didn't ask for any more children! I didn't think that you'd actually kept me from having any daughter of my own for the rest of my

children? We've been together for so many years, but I've never been pregnant with your


a nationwide broadcast, had thoroughly embarrassed himself

Wendy, however, wasn't afraid.

I'd advise you to calm down.This way, I can still get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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