Caleb smiled and shook his head.

"I don't “  

Nora uttered an ‘‘oh’’. She wasn't particularly bothered.

A puzzled Caleb asked, "Don't you want to know?"

Nora replied detachedly, "It doesn't matter to me."

It really didn't matter to her.

Having grown up in a family like that ever since she was a child, kinship wasn't something indispensable for her.

To her, the greatest value her mother had was that she had given birth to her, and also left her with so much material she could study and learn from.

Her father...That word had been associated with Henry since she was a child.

Even though he wasn't her father anymore, she didn't feel much affection for the word.

Nora put the recorder pen away safely into her pocket.

Then, she looked at Caleb and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Caleb sighed and said, "Back then, your mother asked us to take care of you.You can say that all this was because the Grays were negligent."

Caleb also had a look of approval and appreciation on his countenance when he talked about Yvette.

While they were talking, Ford suddenly walked over.

His expression was as stern as ever as if he never smiled or laughed.

He interrupted their conversation and said, "Ms.Smith, Mr.Gray.We need the two of you to give your statements for investigative purposes."

Statements? Nora was taken aback.

Caleb also couldn't help but ask, "It's just trespassing on private property.Why do we have to give statements for it ?"

Ford looked firm and determined, and his facial features were chiseled and defined.

He spoke politely but with a commandeering air as if he was someone who had held a high position for a long time.

He said, "Please go through the motions with us.Nora felt that he wasn't someone to be messed with.”

She nodded.

Caleb didn't refuse, either.

Thus, the two of them were asked to go down to the police station together.

also assigned

in the dark

big boss-like demeanor made the few policemen

but why was that woman looking as if she was at a tourist attraction? Also, was it really necessary to bring them back to take their statements for something as trivial as trespassing into private property? They didn't dare to voice that out loud, though, and could only sneak glances at

identity wasn't

obey his orders!

are you looking at,

little room here.It really does shut out all the

a lot, the quality of her sleep had

dared to disturb

all, which

for a while before he asked, "Do you know anything

eyebrows raised slightly at

"Are you a

taken aback,

fingers tapped lightly against the

so you're likely very highly ranked.However, it's not quite appropriate

Ford's jaw tightened.

while later, he

his back when he

and his

nothing that could stand in his

voice was

"My name

"Hello, Captain Ford."

related to your


Her mother

up with lan Smith, went to California all by herself,

reason for all that! She asked, "Can I

Morris shook his head.

a Class S case, you're not authorized to know

quiet for

said, "I don't know anything at

her a lot of things, but there was nothing among them that

to judge whether what she had just

an extremely

he was

almond-shaped eyes were so clear that one could see right


first time, Morris couldn't see through the truth

for a while, he said, "In that case, please sign the

saying that, he went

in the room next

Nora walked out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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