Charlotte’s fist swings, catching him square in the face, and blood spurts. Ben roars outrage, and at that moment, two security men burst into the lobby.

“Outside!” I yell, following them to where James is now with Ben and Charlotte.

Ben’s nose is streaming blood, and he is staring hard at Charlotte, his eyes wide. Never have I seen a look of such cold-blooded hatred directed at someone.

Charlotte doesn’t flinch. She’s not happy, but she knows how to handle herself, and doesn’t back down as he bears down on her again, his hand raised.

“You bitch! How the fuck did you con my brother into this? And what was it for, eh? Was it to get his money? Marry him and then divorce him; try to walk off with half?”

And now, James seizes him by the shoulder. His voice is icy. “Lay a finger on her and I’ll break you in two.” He nods at the two security men who grab Ben by either arm, immobilising him.

“Fucking well let me go,” yells Ben. “I’m going to have it out with the bitch!”

“Not like this you’re not,” says James. His manner is cold, controlled. If Ben can’t see the threat there, then he is blind….

A car skids to a halt close by and Michael jumps out.

“You okay?” he says first to Charlotte, holding her close at the waist, looking into her face.

She nods, then turns back to Ben. “No, I didn’t marry him for his money, and I don’t want it either. If Michael wants a divorce….”

Michael’s head whips round…. “Divorce?” He sounds incredulous

Charlotte hasn’t stopped speaking. “……I’ll not try to stop him, and he can keep his money. But if he does do that then I think he should give James back his money.”

“I do not want a divorce,” yells Michael. “What the fuck’s going on here, Ben? What have you said? And why are you bleeding?”

“Your wife hit me.”

what were you doing that Charlotte felt the need to hit you? I’ve seen her punch before, and she

I just wanted to get her out

I have never seen

to try to chase my wife away?” He pauses, looks around, seeing

see what happened? Why did

shoved her. I thought he was going to attack her. I’m sure

gives me

chance to

I asked,

now, including the two security guards, still keeping a tight grip on Ben. “Mr Alexanders,” one of them

you like to discuss this in a civilised fashion?” asks James, “Or do I have you put under guard and arrested? Understand that I’m only asking you this because you are Michael’s brother. If it

of sirens in the background, then the screech of brakes as police cars pull up at the kerb. Michael

Francis did, at my behest,” says James. “When Kirstie raised the alarm, I

he nods towards the police officers standing by. “Are you going to

in his face. Michael simply stands, arms folded, legs akimbo. “Answer him, Ben. Don’t look to me for sympathy when you’ve been threatening

sullenly. “I was trying to get you out of

it took me to get into it. And it’s not your place to interfere in my life. Now, are you going to leave, and give your

go,” says Ben. But he looks down and won’t meet his brother’s

that you won’t bother Charlotte again?” insists Michael, then he glances at me,

doesn’t speak, but simply nods.” And,” continues Michael, “if I have it right, you still have Kirstie’s bag with her house keys and money

keen to be

face dour, “I’ll drop them off

says Michael. “Now get out

glancing at James for confirmation. He nods curtly, and they release him. Ben jerks

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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