Chapter 549 What Kind of People Are We?

Hearing that, Elise walked out of the villa to the side of the car and paused all of a sudden after opening the door. As though something just came into her mind, she hesitated, tossed the key in her hand on the passenger seat, and shut the door. Then, she started to walk out of the neighborhood.


In the villa, Kenneth watched as she walked further and further away with a complicated glimmer in his deep-set eyes.

Elise, go ahead and do everything you want bravely. With me to back you up, everything will be alright.

After Elise walked out of the neighborhood, she didn’t catch a cab immediately. Instead, she continued to pace along the street, walking aimlessly. With this rare moment by herself, she had enough time to think about things.

Many things were on her mind, including drawing the snake out of its nest, Alexander, and the Saunders Family. When she had straightened out her mind, she suddenly snapped back to her senses and realized that everything was more or less connected to Kenenth.

Stopping, she finally saw the truth for what it was after a few seconds. Without her realizing, Kenneth had already secretly taken a spot in her heart.

Even though she kept rejecting and avoiding it, it was all futile.

After hopping out of the cab, Elise went straight into Alexander’s courtyard house.

Instead of seeing him, she saw Danny, who stopped her in her path.

“Elise!” Pacing toward her, he asked in an irritating manner, “Did that Bailey do anything mean to you?”

“What can he possibly do to me?” Stopping in her tracks, she stared at him deeply. That look in her eyes was clearly frustration from having her thoughts read like a book, but she was unaware about it herself.

stiffened, and he gulped before speaking again. “I’m

had acted out of the norm, and she lowered her eyes

back soon,” he answered. “Why don’t

room. Behind her, Danny let out a sigh of relief with a

couldn’t get in touch with Alexander and didn’t know when he would be back. However, he really wanted the both of them to spend some time together, so he decided to tell a

Alexander’s bedroom, and immediately after stepping in, a special scent belonging only to him drifted up her nose. It was a light scent of grass and flowers, which was very comfortable, and for some unknown reason, this scent made her feel

while, she became tired and fell asleep on the

always been a light sleeper, she heard the sounds of light footsteps nearing her during midnight. Even though that

next to the bed, looking at her with affection in his gentle,

arm which was next to the pillow, and closed her eyes, continuing

Alexander’s face, and he used his other hand to smoothen her messy hair. “Why did you fall

she suddenly got up and hugged him around his neck. Like a kitten, she leaned in close to him and acted coquettish

along with it. Then, he sat on the side of the bed and held her up before

you treated badly at the Saunders, and that made you

her head. “I haven’t cared about such a small thing

deserve on your behalf, Ellie.” Softly, he planted a kiss on her forehead and changed the topic naturally. “I’ve found Claude, and he’ll

so busy recently that he barely had any sleep because he was busy with my affairs? But I… seem to accept

had Elise felt that she was actually so

unexpected happened, and Claude may not be able to

asked in confusion,

this time. Anyway, he showed a lot of resistance toward me

in Elise went out again as

not sure for now,” Alexander said. “Maybe you can

“That’s true. Let’s arrange for a meeting right away once he has

“Okay.” He agreed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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