Chapter 550 Becoming Aggressive

“I wasn’t sure of it before, but when I saw his attitude toward you, I have a rough idea what happened.” Alexander analyzed the situation, sounding thoughtful. “Claude has probably been hypnotized.”

“Hypnotized?” Elise spun her head and glanced at Claude. “He’s just a doctor who’s only saving lives and isn’t threatening. What’s the point of hypnotizing him?”

“Leaving the sick untreated is a way of causing destruction as well,” Alexander said calmly.

At first, Elise was stunned, then she gradually understood what he meant by that.

The only person who could perform a surgery on Trevor now was Claude. If he was unwilling, it would only spell death for Trevor. With a sigh, she wondered if it would be possible to find a hypnotist to undo the hypnotism on Claude.

Reading her mind, Alexander explained before she said anything, “In hypnotism, every hypnotic master uses a different technique, and we need to find the person who hypnotized him in the first place in order to fully undo the hypnotism. If it is forced, the mind of the hypnotized person might be damaged.”

“In other words, if we don’t know who hypnotized Claude back then, he’ll continue to treat us as his enemies,” Elise concluded helplessly.

“That’s the case, basically,” he replied.

Elise didn’t know whether she should laugh or cry in this situation. “Who would let someone who regards them as his enemies stick around? Think about it. Life would be chaos, then!”

“But are you okay to let him wander around outside like this?” Alexander asked.

Her heart softened, and she sighed. “Forget it. Let your man guard him, then,” she said, holding her forehead. Recalling the reminder from Kenneth yesterday, she changed the topic directly. “Recently, I’ve been too passive, and I plan to create a big ruckus to draw the snake out of its nest. What do you think?”

of your decisions.” After that, Alexander chuckled and teased, “Haven’t you always hated troubles? Why are you taking the

dark, there will be no end to this. Like an endless bushfire, it will reignite with the slightest wind. So, I might as well find the source and rip it out

she finished analyzing seriously, she turned to him and saw that there was

could see the love in his eyes, there was also a hint of surprise in

looking at me like

his thick brows raised. “I’m just thinking: Since when did my Ellie become so aggressive? The decisiveness you showed when

“Is that so? I didn’t have that feeling. Maybe I just became

fiancée, cannot do. Ellie, as long as it’s something you

on a serious face as she spoke, sounding unconvinced. “Who says I need your help? Does it mean that I

and incredibly talented. My existence is just the icing on the cake and can’t be

Pleased with the

sorry and discussed with Alexander, “Why don’t we release the ropes around him? It’s so

you know that even though you guys are doctors, you still have countless ways to pull one on others. If he’s released, we don’t know when he’d give us the slip, and he

and remembered how Claude drugged the person who was after him before.

Claude was a monkey which was not

cage so he can move his arms and legs. Don’t allow the guard on watch to get

nodded lightly and turned to Clement, who was standing at the side.

Clement then picked up the furious and agitated Claude and headed

happened to enter the room, and seeing that the person who was brought out looked a little familiar, he

cropped up. I’ll explain it to you later,” Alexander explained briefly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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