Chapter 554 Just Like an Angel

After parking the car, she was about to take the elevator, and she had barely taken a few steps when she heard a man and a woman in an argument. It sounded like an artist arguing with his manager.

“Garreth Dowrick, how many times have I told you that you’re prone to edema and have to control your water intake before going to bed? Look how swollen your eyes are now. How can you meet your fans looking like this? Also, there are seven people in the group, but why are you the only one who is picked on and isolated? Shouldn’t you look for the problem by looking at yourself? I put in so much effort to support you, but what about you? Are you going to continue to be a let-down?’

Subconsciously, Elise slowed down her steps. Why does it sound like she’s training him?

The person who was berated had a very soft voice, and he sounded very humble as he said, “It’s my fault because I practiced singing until midnight, and my throat turned painful and itchy. So, I made a glass of honey drink…”

“Why were you practicing singing? Do you think you can return to that group? Nobody there welcomes you, and you won’t be performing as a group anymore. Do you think you’re abroad and can perform anytime you want? How many times do I have to tell you to get it into your head that you’re going solo now, and you’re on a different level from them. You don’t have to move closer to them…”

“Don’t speak about them like this, Jenny,” the guy argued in a soft voice. “We debuted at the same time. There’s no difference between us.”

“I’m just howling at the moon, and you’re just a blockhead. Forget it. Don’t forget that you’re attending an award ceremony later. Stay here and look through the transcript yourself. Don’t mess things up again!”

The woman named Jenny sashayed away arrogantly in her heels after throwing those words at him.

In the quiet parking lot, the sobs of a man weeping softly echoed through before the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded. At first, Elise didn’t want to meddle in this, but she was worried that a life would be lost; verbal violence could also push a person to do the unthinkable sometimes.

Quietly, she changed her direction and paced toward the spot where the voices were heard earlier.

closer, she noticed that a handsome young man was lying on the floor, all curled up as his face writhed in pain. Hurriedly, she trotted over and

him was filled

tasted very bitter, but as the thing began to melt

What a unique texture, he thought. After swallowing the whole chocolate, he gradually recovered. When his eyelids fluttered and opened, his eyes met the bright, clear eyes of

your stomach and liver. Your organs will

Using his might, he stood up straight and said his

was very polite and decided to throw in another piece of advice. “Actually, you can ask your manager to hire a nutritionist for you, and you won’t

speak with my manager,” Garreth

to leave because she knew that artists usually didn’t really like to be in contact with strangers in order to avoid a scandal or be held accountable, and she didn’t want

still close by when Garreth glanced at her from behind and called out to her all of a sudden,

back with a smile. “Is there anything

lower lip and asked shyly, “Where

would pass out like just now, he wanted to

bag and passed the remaining pieces of chocolate into his hands.

him a sweet smile, she patted the top of his head, but she did it really gently because she was worried that she might ruin


end to

down a few hundred frames in Garreth’s mind as he watched her slender figure. This little miss is just

general manager of Blitzy Entertainment. However, since she didn’t have an appointment, the receptionist told her to wait at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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