Chapter 555 Is This Some Kind of Propaganda?

“Miss, how about I take you to the reception room and we can chat while we have some tea?” the intern suggested.

Elise nodded and followed her into a vacant reception room.

This intern obviously had no status in the company, and everything had to be done by herself. After prompting Elise to have a seat, she hurriedly went out to pour some tea.

However, her action was quick, and she came back within two minutes.

“Please have some tea.” The intern spoke politely as she handed over a cup of tea. “Miss, how should I address you?”

“My last name is Sinclair,” Elise replied.

“Alright, Miss Sinclair. My name is Winona Jennings. I’m the executive agent intern of Blitzy Entertainment, and I will be in charge of your related businesses in the future.” The intern introduced herself.

Elise nodded, indicating that she understood what Winona said.

“Fantastic.” Winona opened the notebook which dangled around her neck, took out a ballpoint pen from her pocket, and continued, “Miss Sinclair, now, do you mind telling me your business needs? For example: Do you prefer a male or a female artist, and what are the talents of the artists that you care more about?”

While Winona was trying to understand Elise’s needs, Elise noticed and immediately thought that she had a professional air around her and that she was someone she could get along with easily.

“How many artists do you have with you now? ” Elise suddenly changed her mind and asked meaningfully.

“Me?” Winona raised her head, a little stunned, and she smiled shyly in response. “I’m sorry, Miss Sinclair. I’m still doing my internship, so I’m not qualified enough to manage an artist by myself.”

Elise nodded slightly, paused for a moment, and went straight to the point. “I happen to have an artist who lacks an agent. I wonder if you would like to manage her.”

Winona’s expression froze on her face. “Are you here to poach people…?”

be a commercial spy. I just so happen to

business card from her bag, and handed it

in her hand and stared

Elise’s name and a mobile phone number, there was not

did indeed

Elise didn’t explain much, but instead merely waved her hand to signal her to

the business card in her pocket and started working

back to the boy she met in the parking lot, she asked one more question.

right! You have great taste, Miss Sinclair.” Winona smiled. “Garreth is now Blitzy’s top artist with high popularity, but the company has a special training plan for him,

forget it. Let’s stop here today. If I decide to sign it later, I’ll contact you again.” Elise stood up and shook hands with Winona to say goodbye. When she let go of her hand, she deliberately held her hand tighter. “By the way, about the business

will. Thank

leaving Blitzy Entertainment, Elise drove to the

it ready?” Elise asked

turned to open the incubator, unlocked the lock of the centralized password box, and

had no hair, just from the facial features, one could see

Jacob put the mask on a mannequin’s face, the mask immediately took shape. Even if the mannequin’s eyes weren’t moving, it still gave people the feeling of

work.” Elise couldn’t

it is not 100%. If one were to wear this mask and imitate you, they would have to be with you

“It’s already good—but it could be

to be even more serious than him. “Once someone puts this mask on and even customizes your hairstyle, I am sure that it’ll pass as genuine—except for those who are really close to you,

if that person messes up? The mask would be pointless, then. I want to be safe rather than sorry.” Elise’s expression

“Then, I’ll keep working hard. I haven’t done this kind of meticulous work for a long time,

What do you mean?” Elise raised her eyebrows. “Has someone else told you to do the

smiled slyly. “That was before you took me in. The privacy of previous clients must still be kept a secret, so please

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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