Chapter 560 Last Testimony

Thinking of making hay while the sun shone, Elise initially planned to continue with her livestream the next day. However, the sudden early morning call from Austin interrupted her plan. In the phone call, Austin had requested her to make a trip over to the Anderson Residence.

Austin was sitting on a sofa in the villa’s main hall, and standing behind the sofa was Faye.

Just then, Russell brought a group of old and pot-bellied men into the villa and gathered around a coffee table. Austin had introduced these people to Elise before at the banquet that the Anderson Family had thrown her as a sign of recognizing her as a member of the family. Thus, she knew exactly who they were. These were the elders of the Anderson Family, and they had their foothold in any matters regarding the family.

Sensing that the atmosphere in the main hall was tense and solemn, Elise knew conflicts were about to take place at any moment. Needless to say, somebody from this family had once again organized such a meeting to set her up. Seriously? Another trap? Why am I not surprised?

At first, she wanted to solve the matter at hand first and let Faye go for the time being. But since they had shown their very presence in front of her, she wanted to see what schemes they had up their sleeves.

“For what reason did you summon me over? Please cut straight to the point! I’m in a hurry,” Elise said, neither overbearing nor self-effacing.

With his head tilted, Austin glanced at Elise. Then, he turned around and heaved out a heavy sigh, his voice glazed with hidden anger. “You have committed a grave mistake yet dare act righteously here? Is this how the two elders of the Sinclairs taught you about respecting others?”

“They raised me with all their heart and might. Say, Mr. Anderson, I wonder where you got the confidence from to criticize their efforts.” Elise’s tone instantly became colder than ice.

People can talk sh*t about me, but I won’t let anyone talk sh*t about grandpa and grandma!

“I know! I know I didn’t fulfill my responsibility as a father and educate you. It’s my fault for not teaching you well!” Austin was heartbroken. Suddenly, he slammed his hand on the table loudly with agitation. “But I didn’t teach you to mutilate your siblings and harm your kinfolks!”

“Heh…” Elise unknowingly sneered. Then, she said in a sarcastic manner, “Yeah, it’s true you never taught me all those. But, that doesn’t mean you never taught others. Otherwise, how would Faye master this knowledge fairly well?”

“Elise…” Faye felt wronged. “It’s alright if one makes a mistake and admits to it, but repeating the same mistake is unforgivable. Stop being so hard-headed. Threatening us will only add to your sins! Father and our uncles will still forgive you if you confess now!”

stared at Faye’s dramatic act with interest. Since you like acting so much, how about

that I

for yourself!” Austin suddenly got up and threw

to pick up the piece of paper. Then, she raised her eyebrows subconsciously as

person is dead, and

disappointment from?” Elise refuted lightly before continuing to read the content in the

was enough for Elise to realize that it was a letter of accusation. The writer of this letter ‘accused’ her of plotting and framing Faye, making Faye wear a red dress. Not only did that humiliate Faye in front of the Saunders Family, but

things toward them. I don’t deserve to continue living in this world. All I hope for now is that the truth will be unveiled. Miss Faye is innocent, and I hope that the Anderson Family will no longer be manipulated by such a

Austin had such a big reaction. Well, it seems like the person who left this

she recalled

would all these people

However, today was different. Austin was her biological father! Why isn’t anyone

down Elise’s spine. At that moment, she felt that the

looked at Austin and the elders of the Anderson Family

her life in order to frame you? If that’s the case, Miss Yoona, perhaps you should also reflect on yourself. Why would you

corner of the hall, a man with a large head and big ears

hearing that, Elise glared at him with an icy cold expression. The man immediately shrank his neck

this matter, and we can’t blindly believe that Yoona is at fault. Perhaps, it’s an outsider who is deliberately using this incident to sow discord among us. After all, the Anderson Family will soon cooperate with Smith Co., so I’m sure there are many others out there who are green with envy.” Russell, who had not spoken,

gets out of hand, it will definitely have an impact on the Anderson Family. Moreover, the servant is from the countryside, and you all know how the people from the countryside act. Once they find out about the suicide note, I’m afraid they

trace of excitement in her eyes, Elise looked at him indifferently. Hah! This guy has always banded together with Faye. So, what good intentions

the bush. I know what you want to say. What you meant to say was there is no other way to quell this matter other than to deal with me,” Elise

known to have a glib tongue. Others would think he or she was a good person after they heard his or her words. However, they were not aware that such people often used charming words as

embarrassed, Russell smacked his lips and did not dare to answer anymore. I’m here to be the peacemaker today. I’m not the main character—Elise is. I guess there’s no need for me to get myself into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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