Chapter 561 Love Affair in Their Youth

“Yes, that’s me,” Elise said. Wry-necked, she took a peek behind the plump-looking woman. It’s my house, alright.

In the next second, Quentin appeared behind the woman and greeted Elise with a cheerful smile on his face, “Ellie, you’re back!”

“Papa?” Elise stayed frozen in place. “W-Why are you here?”

“To come and see you, of course.” Quentin stepped forward. Then, he started introducing the woman. “Meet my wife, your Mama, Layla. Say hi.”

“M-Mama?” Elise repeated the word again, feeling uncertain.

However, Layla responded. “Hi. Why don’t you come inside first?” After saying that, she turned around and headed inside the house.

Elise looked at Layla’s plump figure. Then, she looked at the thin yet elegant-looking Quentin and whispered, “Is that Joey’s mum?”

Upon hearing that, Quentin nodded slightly. His eyes trailed after Layla, his gaze full of love and happiness. “Isn’t she pretty?”

Elise was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh. Nevertheless, she nodded her head, acknowledging Quentin’s words. “She is!”

“And here I thought you only wanted Joey and would abandon Joey’s mum,” Elise teased Quentin as she took off her shoes.

“How could you accuse me like that?” Quentin rolled his eyes. “Do I look like an irresponsible man to you?”

From top to bottom, Elise scrutinized Quentin all over again. He is still dapper in appearance and keeps his body in such good shape at this age… Papa has the prerequisite to be an irresponsible man indeed.

As smart as Elise was, she would never say her thoughts out. Instead, she answered, “Of course not.”

She paused for a while. Then, she lowered her voice again and leaned closer to Quentin’s ear. With a gossipy manner, she probed, “Tell me how you and Mama met back then.”

in their youth before? I may be old now,

there? Hurry up and come in!” Layla’s

unknowingly widened her eyes and exchanged glances with Quentin. “Wow… Mama sure has a strong vocal

but did not answer anymore. Then,

living room, Elise realized that Joey was also there, wearing a

are close, with your non-stop tête-à-tête,” Layla suddenly spurted

did not understand what Layla meant. Papa and I haven’t seen each other for a long time. Of course we need to catch up with

Layla with his gaze. “What

again. “Your Papa told me that you’re a great cook. We haven’t eaten anything yet because we’re waiting to have a taste of your cooking. I know it’s late, but can you make us a meal, considering we came all

Then, she took off her coat and walked into the kitchen. “Why don’t you all rest for a moment while I cook us a few simple dishes? Since all the ingredients are ready-to-cook, I just need to stir-fry them. I’m

To have a full belly at dinner

slap on the arm before he could


Layla got up and sat on the other

Quentin turned to Joey for help. “Joey, has your mother been

calmly. “Lately,

again?” Quentin asked in a

was a little speechless. She took off one earphone and turned her head. Poker-faced, she said, “Don’t put all the blame on me! She’s your wife, not mine! Who was the one who pampered

shut Quentin up, and the atmosphere in the living

served about 40 minutes later, and the four of

onto her seniority, Layla waited for Elise to set up the table before

Elise and Quentin. Rumor had it that Quentin was very protective of Elise. She even heard

she was back, and Quentin had acknowledged the legitimacy of both her and Joey, Layla would absolutely not turn a blind eye to anything. It’s fine if there’s nothing going on between Elise and Quentin. However, if other issues were

years, she had learned to take things easy. However, she was ready to risk

an expressionless face, Layla picked up a piece of the roasted chicken and put it in her mouth. Originally, she intended

her mouth, the wonderful taste spread instantly. At once, her taste buds subdued to the deliciousness of the dish, and she felt as if she was taking a walk

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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