Chapter 563 This Kid Has Potential

The next day, right after Elise had finished eating breakfast, the doorbell of the villa rang. Thinking that it was Winona, she immediately got up and went to open the door.

Winona had sent her a message last night, saying that she would visit her with investors and guests that day, but she hadn’t expected her to arrive so early. However, the moment she opened the door, all she saw was Kenneth.

Elise frowned. She looked at the entitled expression on Kenneth’s face and had a bad feeling.

Winona walked out from behind Kenneth and looked at Elise with a weak smile. “Hey, Elise. Hehe…”

Feeling herself on the verge of tears, Elise raised one eyebrow and asked in disbelief, “Winona, this isn’t what I’m thinking, right?”

Kenneth was definitely not an investor or a guest. She must have made a mistake, and these two just happened to run into each other.

“I’m sorry, Elise.” Winona raised her right hand to her forehead, making an apologetic gesture. “I only learned today that Mr. Bailey is the guest designated by the investor. The contract has already been signed. If you don’t cooperate, you will have to pay a large penalty for breaching the contract…”

Elise slapped a hand to her forehead. “Oh my God…”

“Do you two have to act like that?” Kenneth was completely clueless. “At any rate, I’m investing a huge amount of money. Besides, I’m rich and handsome. Do you have to dislike me so much?”

“The reason why we dislike you, don’t you know that yourself?” Elise retorted angrily.

“What should I know about? Hmm?” Kenneth took a step forward until he was almost pressing up against Elise, leaving only half an inch between them.

Elise could even clearly feel his warm breath fanning on her face. Kenneth’s roughness on the day of the trial broadcast rapidly flashed in her mind, causing her to instinctively take a step backward. This step also successfully cleared the way, and Kenneth took the opportunity to slip in from the side.

Winona knew that she had made a mistake, so she stood obediently outside the door, not daring to pass. However, her stomach started growling. She hurriedly covered it, but Elise still heard it.

“You haven’t eaten breakfast yet?” Elise asked.

from where I live, so I didn’t have the

come on in. Do you want to eat some desserts I made in

the opportunity to taste Elise’s

entered, he saw Quentin and his family inside. He and Quentin had met in Landred City before, and they nodded at each

with Layla. “You really look just like what Mr. Fassbender has told me. You’re as gorgeous as ever,

sweet talking. I’m already this old. How can I be as

is the president of Smith Co. He is young and promising. At this age, he already has a few assets

You really are an outstanding young

course not.” Kenneth smiled lightly and sat down on the sofa next

you here for

to watch the

would deliberately restrain themselves. Kenneth looked peaceful and humble, and explained generously, “Today, I did come here for a reason. I’ve been wanting to


choice. She’s beautiful and cooks well—the hallmarks of a fine and virtuous woman. She’s the perfect candidate as

minds think alike. It seems that you and I have a connection, Mrs. Fassbender. If there is a chance in the future, I’ll be under

This young man’s got potential. “Don’t worry, Mr. Bailey. A talented person like you would

said will come true,” Kenneth replied

few more pleasantries, Elise brought Winona over to take him away. “Kenneth, don’t forget that you’re here to work.

from the kitchen for quite a while as Kenneth easily made Layla smile from ear to ear with just a few words. It

was just like that brat right now, torturing her with his antics but flattering the elders

not forgetting to say goodbye to Layla before he left. “Well then, Mrs. Fassbender, I’ll be

other young people. Don’t worry about us,” Layla said with a

I am, having cooked for her twice, but

absentminded as they

“Miss Sinclair?”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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