Chapter 562 Tendency to Hold Grudges

At the same time, in Smith Co.’s President’s office, Johnny hung up the phone. Then, he calmly shifted his gaze toward the refined-looking man, who was resting on a reclining chair.

Feeling rather uneasy, Johnny pretended to cough to draw the man’s attention. “S-Sir…”

Upon hearing that, Kenneth turned his head around from his seat. A half-smirk was formed on the corners of his mouth. “What’s the matter? Is there something strange about my face? Why are you still not getting used to looking at me even after so long?”

Just as Johnny was about to answer, someone suddenly knocked on the office’s door twice. The door then opened and revealed that that someone was Melody. She walked in boldly with a pile of documents in her hand.

“All documents are here. This is the company’s development plan for the next five years, and this is a list of all the company’s loss-making projects in the past year,” Melody said. Next, she expressionlessly threw the document on the coffee table in front of Kenneth.

Since he was resting his feet on the coffee table, Kenneth almost got them slammed by those documents. Hence, he instinctively ducked and joked, “Seriously, Melody? Have you not learned how to treat your boss a little better?”

“Sure, on the precondition that you’re still aware you’re the boss.” Melody made fun of Kenneth with her precise words in an unperturbed manner. “Johnny and I have been handling most of the company’s business. Unlike someone right here, we work our a*ses off to reach our targeted KPI. Right now, that certain someone suddenly got carried away by a whim and requested us to cast aside the project that we have been working on for more than half a year. I’m pretty sure no person in their right mind would smile when being thrown into such a situation.”

“Uh…” Kenneth turned to look at Johnny for help.

Nope! There’s no way I’m participating in this fight! Count me out, bro! Johnny flung up his hands and leaned against the leather seat behind him.

Upon seeing that, Kenneth thought, How cruel!

“Alright… Alright…” Kenneth sat up and heaved a long sigh. Then, he looked at Melody, his gaze filled with sorrow. “Love is a spark from nowhere that extends to eternity. Once a person is in love, they do things out of impulse.”

“I fear that I’m not good enough. I did all these because I wanted Elise to try accepting all the different sides of me. Before this relationship fully blooms, I will spend all day and night in anxiety. You two are my right-hand men. Can’t I at least entrust my faith or rely on you two to help me?”

For a moment, Johnny and Melody could not bear to go against their consciences, considering it was rare for Kenneth to show his vulnerable side.

both hands into the pockets of her high-waisted pants. “From the day I decided to work for you, I had expected there would be a day that I would go through hell or high water. Alright, we’ll continue helping

changed his facial expression. In an instant, he stood up excitedly and walked over to Melody. Then, he patted her shoulder solemnly. “Just as I thought! You’re the most soft-hearted person here. Oh, by the way, don’t forget to make the

done speaking, Kenneth moved his feet and

heads silently. We must have owed him in

Layla was still burping even after taking

up to? She purposely made me stuff myself and suffer

stuff yourself with so much

and refused to move a step further. “Joey, how could you side with

what are

what would happen if I don’t keep an eye on her and make her suffer a little! For all I know,

clarified long ago. Plus, Elise has a talented, handsome, and rich fiancé. Why would Elise chase after dad? What does dad have? You actually think Elise


that about your dad!?” Layla

Joey pursed her lips,

daughter is the father’s sweetheart’. From what I see, you’re probably not sweet enough. Next time, don’t come up with such jokes. It’s not funny. You know how much your dad cares about his looks. He would be devastated if he found out that his own daughter said he is old and ugly.” Upon

Joey felt slightly surprised. Then, she teased her. “Mom… I

to the manor by the way which they came. “Come on. Let’s go! I can’t leave your dad for too

my judgment toward her was that she was not of an evil heart. Not to mention that she’s a friend of H’s. It’s highly unlikely for

are really stupid!

arrived at the

into the house. Then, she deliberately showed up in front

“I’ll go take a look. Elise, you must be exhausted from what happened today. Why don’t you

said with

ill-feeling toward her. However,

with great care. So, I must return the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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