Chapter 566 Getting What You Deserve

Hustled by the several people, Faye was soon locked up in the staff room.

“Celina! Let me out!”

Thud! Thud! Thud! Faye slapped at the door with all her might. Some of the hotel staff who came for a change of clothes gathered outside the room, but they dared not offend Celina’s two female friends who were standing guard outside.

Pulling her cap down, Elise sneaked up behind the staff, quietly enjoying the exciting show.

“…Is anyone outside?!” Faye got tired from slapping at the door, but there was no answer from the outside. Dejected, she exhaled and turned around to sit down and have a rest.

However, right after she walked a few steps, the door behind her swung open. The instant she turned her face around, she had a bucket of ice-cold water splashed onto her right away. In an instant, she was soaked to the skin from head to toe like a drowned rat.

“Gosh!” Faye growled between clenched teeth while shivering with cold.


“This is just the beginning. I’m telling you, as long as I’m still alive, I’m gonna f*ck you

wasn’t until the group of ladies had disappeared out of sight that some staff members sneaked into the room

eyes and exhale deeply to refrain from losing her temper. Still, she couldn’t help

this. However, since both Faye and Celina and her circle

people were, Faye urged, “What are you waiting for? Hurry and get me a change of clothes for me to

that I’m afraid you need to

her eyes. Despite her reluctance, she had no choice but

We’ll be outside, so call us if you need anything,” the staff members said respectfully. With

the chauffeur to pick her up, she couldn’t help feeling

then, a voice approached her from behind. “How do

a baseball cap who walked toward her before coming to a stop a meter away from her. “Who are you?”

a hint of ridicule in her eyes, saying, “How does it feel to become me for

“What nonsense are you

was no mirror in the staff room. What a pity,” Elise said

her for a day? Instantly figuring out what had happened, Faye took out the

“Elise’s” facial features in the mirror; every inch of Elise’s skin was on her face. Frightened, she threw the mirror away and slapped her cheeks with both hands.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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