Chapter 567 Kenneth’s Voice?

The incident happened so unexpectedly that Elise didn’t come to her senses until a dozen seconds later. She quickly ran to Faye’s side in an attempt to give her first aid, but the instant she touched Faye’s wrist, she immediately gave up trying to rescue her. She has no pulse anymore, she thought.

While Elise was distracted, the car that had knocked Faye dead swiftly made a U-turn and disappeared from the nearest intersection.

Elise looked at Faye, who died with her eyes open. Wait a minute. Technically, it’s “me” who died with my eyes open. At the thought of this, she suddenly realized that the perpetrator was coming at her. Holding Faye in her arms, she quickly scanned her surroundings with her eyes before quickly focusing her gaze on the surveillance camera on the other side of the street. With the surveillance camera, everything would be easy, she thought.

Having called the ambulance, Elise hurriedly left the scene. Before leaving, she took off the mask on Faye’s face.

Half an hour later, photos of a car accident at the back alley of Sierra Hotel quickly went viral on the internet. Elise purposely edited the surveillance video, removing the second half of it so that the video received by reporters only showed Faye lying in a pool of blood while sporting her face. As a result, the victim of the car accident became “Elise.”

Meanwhile, Kenneth was leisurely sitting on the couch in his villa while chatting with Layla.

Engrossed in the conversation, Layla produced photos of herself when she was younger, asking Kenneth to comment on them.

Taking the cell phone from her, Kenneth pretended to take a look at the photo before giving her a look of amazement. “This is clearly an angel that came down from heaven!”

while not forgetting to take a dig at Quentin. “Aw, you speak so sweetly as if your lips have been coated with honey! Some people simply wouldn’t

sat across from them.

“Sigh, what’s the use of being good-looking in the past? Now I’m just a fat and

about being chubby? Chubby people bring good fortune; a

up!” Layla rolled her eyes. “You

all creatures who judge men based on their looks! After patting his butt, he put aside the iPad he had used to read the news and stood up.

end of their lives. After a moment of silence, he crept to Layla’s side and whispered, “I have a female assistant who looked about as chubby as you are when she was at her fattest. In just two years, she’s

really have the same idea, huh? With her conditioning my body and you helping me search

then, Joey, who had been playing with her phone the whole time, suddenly whispered in a grave voice, “Oh, no! Sis had an


and walked up to Joey in a

when she looked up and met the man’s stern gaze. After

side of Elise’s face in the photo, he held his breath at once. Clenching his teeth, he gulped a mouthful of saliva before shoving the phone back in Joey’s hand. Then, he swiftly took out his cell phone and pressed

the phone immediately. “What’s the

now; I’ll have someone pick you up

the man finally turned to look at the Fassbenders, who had no idea what was going on. “Please stay here and don’t make Elise worried. I’ll bring her back safe and sound,” he said before leaving in a hurry without even realizing he had been

door was banged shut that everyone gradually came

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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