Coolest Girl in Town Chapter 40

Hence, the two of them chatted and laughed while they headed toward the school building. Jasmine had seen them from afar and followed them all the way to their classroom before she casually went to her seat while intermittently glancing at Elise.

On the other hand, Elise attentively taught Mikayla how to solve the problems. As Elise’s methods were clear and concise, Mikayla managed to grasp the concept after only listening once. “Elise, you are amazing. Your method is way easier than what the Maths teacher taught.”

“Yes, just look at it from another angle and you will be fine once you understand it.”

“I might as well quit tuition since learning from you will definitely be more effective.” Mikayla commented, wearing a look of admiration on her face.

At this moment, she returned to her seat as their Maths teacher had already entered the classroom.


Since Elise had mastered the high school curriculum, she set aside the mathematics textbook on the desk and continued to translate her document. The Maths teacher, who viewed Elise as a bright student who deserved extra attention, naturally kept an eye on her. As such, when she realized that Elise wasn’t paying attention in class, she was annoyed and snarled, “Elise, please come forward to explain this question to your fellow classmates.”

Upon hearing her name being called, a stunned Elise nonchalantly raised her eyes and cast a glance at the question on the blackboard before she stood up. Before she could say anything, the Maths teacher added, “Come to the stage and show the calculation to class.”


Elise walked up to the stage. After another brief glance at the question, she took the chalk and swiftly wrote down the steps and completed the question in less than a minute.

The Maths teacher was dumbstruck as the difficulty of the question was totally beyond the students’ syllabus. Yet, Elise was able to solve it without spending much time thinking about it. She then checked the steps and found no errors, which proved that Elise’s ability allowed her not to pay attention in class. “Elise’s method and steps of solving the question are accurate. All of you should learn from her.”

since the episode, the Maths teacher never called Elise anymore to solve questions in

education. All the students changed into their sports attire in the changing room before heading to the field-except Jasmine. When her classmates

Elise’s document that was all in French, which she understood nothing about. “Haha, Elise surely is pretentious.” She contemplated for a while before she made up her mind and decided that nothing could

class, Elise and Mikayla returned to the classroom together. As soon as they stepped into

asked that question, Elise abruptly bent down to pick up the A4 paper and tightly clutched it in her hands while

to keep highly confidential. Without a second of hesitation, she quickly collected all the A4 papers on the floor. Meanwhile, Jasmine, together with her gang, arrogantly looked

was unable to stifle her laughter as she picked up the last piece of A4 paper by her feet. “What is written on the papers? Tell


I don’t understand what is written on them. Could

hand and grimly questioned, “Was

“Elise, don’t

“You better

are classmates. How could you say such awful words?” Rita fumed,

it wasn’t too much to do this?” Elise responded with a question

do with me?” Rita returned to her own seat after she replied whereas Jasmine feigned that nothing had happened and calmly returned to her

make a

intended to have lunch with his friends, knew that something was wrong the moment he

Forget about it if you are late.” After saying that, she immediately killed the call. With a dark expression, she organized the documents that she picked up from the floor. Fortunately, there were no missing pages. No matter who is the culprit this time,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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