Chapter 41

A worried John was frantic as he waited by the phone. For some reason, the value of his company shares suddenly plunged by three hundred points before it came to a trading halt half an hour later. As a result of this, the company’s net worth had instantly dropped by a few billion.

Furthermore, he had also received a phone call from a stranger. The said person mentioned that the reason for his company losing money was because of his darling daughter, which was why John was currently on the phone with Jasmine. “Jas, did you offend anyone at school recently?”

A surprised Jasmine paused for a moment before reacting indignantly, “What do you mean by that?! How could I possibly have offended anyone?!”

All of a sudden, Elise’s name came to mind but shortly after that, Jasmine brushed it off and thought, Elise’s just a country bumpkin, so how could our fight have possibly alerted Dad?! She then subsequently disregarded Elise.

“Dad, don’t tell me that you’ve been listening to those nonsensical rumors out there?! I’ve been following your advice at school and been on good terms with all of my classmates. By the way, I’m having lunch with my classmates right now.”


“Alright then. It’s good to know that you’ve been behaving yourself. However, I’m warning you, you must treat your classmates nicely and maintain good ties with



“Sure, I know that.” Jasmine was evidently quite annoyed at this point, but she didn’t forget to remind, “My pocket money for this month is running low.”

When he heard that, John felt his head pounding, but he didn’t reject her request. “Okay, I’ll transfer you some money later on.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

After Jasmine hung up the phone, she turned to her sidekicks and suggested, “Let’s skip this afternoon’s class to go shopping.”

Meanwhile, Rita hesitated, “P-Perhaps we shouldn’t?”

not a big deal. I thought that you

buy it for you if

her teeth in determination.

that, Jasmine smiled in response and it was evident that she was in good spirits. However, she was completely unaware of the situation

his secretary gingerly reported the situation, “President Anders, the company’s cash flow is at a critically low level and we’re on the brink of bankruptcy. There are quite a few projects that we still need

moment he heard the report, John felt his blood pressure rising. “What did you just say?! How could this have

have faced a capital chain rupture before, but our regular customers have maintained a working relationship with us out of trust all along. However, as

John heard that, he was so angered that he threw all of the documents onto the ground. “Imbeciles! Go and discuss with the banks

the verge of losing his cool, yet he still remembered to tap

received the money in her bank account, she beamed widely and immediately went

three days, the Anders Family will be rendered bankrupt and their business will no longer exist.” Jamie was full of flattery.

with an indifferent expression as her anger had subsided

together. I’ve heard of this newly-opened restaurant that

alright. I want to complete some work. Why don’t you head over to enjoy your

a good idea! Boss, food is our body’s fuel, so it’s not good to skip meals. Since it’s my treat, you should take the opportunity to have


forehead. “Okay then, I’ll choose

followed him and they walked out of the classroom. Soon after that, he drove

forward and revealed that the company was currently unable to service its debts. As a result, the relevant government departments came forward to take action by investigating the claims. This came as a huge blow

unconcerned about the outcome of the Anders Group. At this point in time, she had already managed to translate

she produced the work. “It’s only been two

everything’s fine. However, I need to apologize to you; due to personal reasons, there’s been a third party who had access to the document. However, she’s just a high school student,

hearing Elise’s words, Beter couldn’t help but smile. “Your current words seem to imply that I’m a stranger. I believe that with you around, the details of this document would definitely be kept confidential. We’ve

there’s really no need to resort to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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