Coolest Girl in Town Chapter 43

Alexander escorted Elise into the car before he instructed the driver to immediately drive off. Meanwhile, she glanced at their closely intertwined fingers and instinctively tried to withdraw her hand.

While the car slowly departed, neither of them said a word. There was a somber vibe that enveloped them, which continued until the car pulled into the driveway of the Griffith Residence. She finally broke the silence and said, “Thanks for standing up for me earlier. Just let me know if you need my help for any company matters in the


Elise thought, If he loses this collaboration because of me, then I have to compensate him for his loss. However, it never crossed Alexander’s mind to turn to a woman for help, so he rejected her outright. “You should go home,” was what he replied instead.

She was aware that he needed to maintain his pride and it was also a male’s basic dignity to resist, so she didn’t say another word. Rather, she turned around to enter the house.


Elise still didn’t feel at ease with things after she entered the house, so she gave Jamie a call. “Hey, Jamie. If you notice that the Griffith Group is in need of some help, be sure to lend them a hand, but do it secretly so that no one realizes that you are helping them.”

Upon hearing her words, a stunned Jamie gaped. “Boss, do you have a wrong impression of Alexander? He’s well-known to be a formidable opponent in the corporate world. How else do you think the Griffith Group was able to maintain its position as the leading company in town? He doesn’t need any help from small flies like us. You should stop worrying, Boss. It’s just a minor contract that’s nothing to Griffith Group. It won’t result in any significant loss for them.”


She was finally rest assured when she heard his words. That’s right. Alexander’s such a formidable person so obviously, he wouldn’t care too much about this minor contract.

Nonetheless, she was determined not to allow Eureka Corporation to get away with this lightly. However, before she could even mention anything, he had already made his move.

“He messed with the wrong person! He’s going to pay for that,” Jamie said as his fingers whizzed furiously on the keyboard.

he came up with a list containing the details of all the Eureka Corporation’s business partners and thereafter sent the information to the

to wake up. I’ve prepared breakfast for you.” The servant woke Elise up at the exact time. Meanwhile, she stretched while her

the night as she couldn’t seem to shake off Mr. Ford’s sleazy expression from her mind.

wore her custom-made wig and made her way downstairs. At that moment, she

and received a grunt in

the dining table and asked,

aside while he spoke and lifted his wrist to check the time. “You have five more minutes.

saying that. Meanwhile, Elise hastily took a few large bites of her toast and grabbed a bottle of milk before


dealt with some work related matters. He was someone with a different personality to Danny, who always behaved in a rather impulsive manner as an immature second-generation wealthy kid. On the other hand, Matthew was calm and steady in all his endeavors while being a generally quiet person who didn’t have much to say. Each time he sent her

at school and entered the classroom, she ran into Danny holding a basketball and about to walk out. Their gazes met and although he was unwilling to do so, he dutifully greeted, “Good morning,

boys standing behind him watched their exchange in

she maintained her composure and replied, “Good

boys behind Danny came forward and whispered to Danny, “Danny, is there something

calling ugly?! That’s my boss there. From now on, keep this in mind, you’re not allowed to bully her and if anyone

of the boys stared at him dumbfoundedly, but none of them said a single word. After all, anyone who dared

have to say the word and

was only at that moment when Danny’s expression softened slightly. Although he was quite reluctant to acknowledge Elise as his boss, he had lost the bet, so a true man would definitely honor his part

headed off toward the basketball court and ignored the chime of a bell that signaled the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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