Coolest Girl in Town Chapter 44

Jasmine suddenly shifted her gaze because she didn’t think that Elise could be involved in the unfortunate events that had befallen her family.

She placed her bag down and took a seat at her desk.

The first lesson for the day was Chinese wherein the teacher briefly talked about Chinese Week before starting class. “Our school has started to accept registrations for Chinese Week. I hope that everyone can support this event by participating in it. This is especially so for Jasmine and Elise since you two have a strong command of the language. I reckon that you can give it a shot by signing up for it.”

After being suddenly prompted by the teacher, Jasmine took a deep breath before her lips curved upward to form a smile. Subsequently, she stood up, “Miss, I’ll enroll for the program and bring glory to our class.”

The Chinese teacher nodded with approval. “That sounds great. Jasmine’s enthusiasm should be noted and something that everyone should learn from as well.”


Soon after that, the teacher glanced toward Elise, whose head was lowered, and asked, “How about you, Elise? Would you like to enroll?”

Elise gradually lifted her head and met her teacher’s gaze. She had intended to reject the request but as soon as she noted Jasmine’s enthusiasm, Elise changed her mind. After all, life was quite boring and it would be wonderful to annoy a certain someone, so she responded, “Sure, I would be more than happy to enroll.”


Upon hearing Elise’s reply, the Chinese teacher beamed widely. “Awesome! I wish you guys luck and hopefully, you’ll be able to attain great results in the competition. I also have some materials at home that will help to improve your listening skills. I’ll compile it and give it to you soon. Once you’ve come up with your speech, I can proofread it for you.”

It was quite evident that the teacher had treated Elise like her own daughter. Jasmine was initially grinning from ear to ear, but she became downcast and sat in her seat. She glanced at Elise with tightly clenched fists while vowing, I’m definitely going to win this competition! No one else can stand in my way!

Once their class had ended, Jasmine’s sidekicks approached her. “Jasmine, you’re so talented to have been selected for the competition! I’m so envious of you!”

“Yeah, Jasmine! You’re the best in this subject in our class. I’m sure that you’ll be able to shine and achieve a great result in the competition!”

Jasmine enjoyed all the flattery from the others, but she feigned humility. “You guys need to stop saying that. I have an advantage because I’ve been learning the language from an earlier age. Besides, I’m not the only one from our class to be competing.”

that you have a strong command of Chinese in terms of speech. As for the other person, well,

everyone’s here, how about I’ll treat you guys today then? Let’s head out for lunch

to flatter her, which made her forget about her current predicament. As soon as it was lunchtime, she brought all of them to a luxurious restaurant outside their school.

waiter immediately informed her, “I’m sorry,

then stiffened as she quickly took her card back.

the outcome was still the same. “I’m sorry, Miss, but this card has the same issue

everyone maintained their silence. Meanwhile, she felt slightly awkward and tried to explain, “Perhaps my

dialed John’s number. Their family was currently facing a crisis wherein their company had also gone into bankruptcy. There were massive debts that were due to be cleared and as a result from all the stress, he had significantly aged. He took steps to remortgage all of the family’s properties, which

fretful about it. Coincidentally, he


some more money?”

transferred fifty thousand to you last week! Have

as she explained, “I bought some cosmetics and a bag. The money’s all gone. Daddy, could you hurry up and transfer me some money? I’m at a restaurant and I don’t have money to pay

your money unnecessarily! I told you to have your

promise I’ll have my

always doted on Jasmine since she was a child and he had never rejected any of her requests. Although they were impoverished now, he didn’t want his daughter to suffer so he thought, It’s quite fortunate that I still have a thousand

card, so I’ll transfer that to you

as she heard that he was only going to transfer a thousand, she knew that it was

cash he had right now and it should be enough for a meal. “Where did you go for lunch? How can that

of my classmates to lunch at a restaurant. Could you please hurry up and transfer me some money? I need three thousand to pay for lunch. You’ should transfer

don’t even know whether I have enough for my next meal, but this wretched kid is still out there spending unnecessarily! He was so angered that his breath quickened as the veins on his temple pulsated.

deal with it yourself! Don’t call

she wouldn’t be able to foot the bill. Then, she rummaged through

exiting the washroom. As she faced her sidekicks, she finally spoke through gritted teeth, “I don’t have enough money on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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