Chapter 46

“Yes, her melodies are inspiring and full of artistic conception that resonates easily with the audience. It’s just a pity she hasn’t released any new songs recently.”

Elise nodded gently. “They are pretty lovely melodies. It just so happens that I have an exclusive EP of hers at home. I’ll give it to you another day later.”

“Really? That’s great! Who knew we had a common interest?” Then, Matthew sighed. “If only she could release new songs, that would be awesome. Then, I could take you to one of her concerts to support her.”

Inevitably, he was excited to gush over an idol of his; yet, Elise fell deep into thought again and didn’t speak up again.

The atmosphere returned to normal just like that. It wasn’t until the car pulled into the courtyard of the Griffith Residence that she returned to her senses. By then, he was already opening the car door for her. “We’re home. Come on, then.”


As she hopped out of the car, she replied, “Thank you!”

“No problem,” Matthew answered while smiling at her for the first time. “That’s what I should be doing, anyway. It happens to be my turn to send you to school tomorrow, so head to bed earlier and I’ll see you tomorrow.”


“Okay,” Elise answered. “Good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

After that, she returned to the room and locked the door before she started to remove her makeup. Her delicate, fresh face was revealed the moment all of the makeup was removed.

As she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she pursed her lips and thought about Jonah’s gift to her because it was truly too precious. If I actually leave the Griffith Family one day, won’t I be disappointing him?

The fact was that she already arrived at a decision to momentarily keep the shares on his behalf, but fully return it to him once she left the family.

After she made peace with her decision, Elise felt much lighter as she went to bed and slept soundly until morning.

The next day, she wore her makeup and dressed for school before she headed downstairs. Much to her surprise, there was no breakfast prepared at home this morning

freshly bought breakfast. “As the cook’s busy today, she didn’t have time to make breakfast. Since

to the brim with all sorts of exquisite breakfast dishes. It seemed he had

the dishes, she yanked a large bear claw and told him, “I’ll

happily passed a napkin to her whereby she sat down to start eating. Yet, even though he

she was feeling somewhat discomfited, Elise gobbled her food and wiped her mouth with the napkin before saying, “We’re running out of time. I have to leave now, or

the door as he

he had promised, he

at the school campus, she realized that the atmosphere felt somewhat different today. As

with exuberance and gushed, “My husband is coming to our school this afternoon to film an

Elise asked wryly,

Griffith! I’m

was without a


husband filming later in the afternoon. It’ll be my first time seeing him up close and personal and

respond that she had dinner at the same table as

as she saw how enamored her best friend was, she didn’t have the heart to shatter her best friend’s dreams and instead replied, “Alright, I’ll come with you to

leap at any given moment,

notice was that Jasmine had trailed behind them all along and upon seeing their

and Mikayla were merely growing closer to

eyesore, Elise Sinclair.” Jasmine’s fists clenched in the silence. Since the public speaking competition during Chinese Week was around the corner, it would be a pity if anything

the seeds of an evil

day that Elise discovered that Jack was indeed popular since she could hear people discussing him

appeared at her school at

passed by were packed with people, especially the teacher’s building where he was scheduled to

no matter how she squeezed through the crowd, Mikayla

silhouette of him.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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