Coolest Girl in Town Chapter 45

After class, Elise and Mikayla laughed and chatted as they exited the school doors. “I hate parting ways with you, Elise. Wouldn’t it be nice if we lived together? We could eat together, do our homework together, and sleep at the same time.”

As she stroked Mikayla’s head, Elise comforted, “Why don’t I visit your place when I have the time?”

In an instant, Mikayla’s eyes brightened. “Good; that sounds awesome! When the time comes, I’ll have my mum prepare some dishes that you like. When are you coming to visit, though?”

After a moment of thought, Elise replied, “In a few days’ time. I’ll come over after the Chinese Week competition.”

“Alright. It’s set, then!”


It was only then did Mikayla happily bid Elise adieu. After waving goodbye to her, Elise headed toward a familiar car waiting nearby and opened the door. Upon doing so, she greeted Matthew, who grunted in reply.

After she entered the car, he took the initiative to inform her, “Grandpa is having dinner tonight and wants me to bring you along.”


“Alright. We’ll go together then.” Although Elise had no idea what kind of dinner it was, it had to be an important event if Jonah was the host.

They then arrived at a private room of a restaurant. Once they passed through the doors, they saw the other young masters of the Griffith Family had already arrived, including Brendan, who rarely showed his face.

When Jonah saw Elise, he waved her over. “Come on over, Ellie.”

She obediently walked up to him and respectfully greeted, “Hi, Grandpa.”

Then, with a smile, he introduced her to the person next to him. “This is Ellie, my granddaughter; she’s also known as my future granddaughter-in-law.”

The simple introduction was enough to cause everyone’s expression to change. Even Elise was startled, but she didn’t protest whatsoever.

expression was Danny. He incredulously looked at his siblings as if he questioned, Does the introduction mean Elise

stranger. “It’s nice to meet

“Nice to meet you, Miss Sinclair. I’m Mr. Griffith’s personal lawyer,

that everyone was present, Jonah then declared without further delay, I asked everyone here today because I wanted to announce

and earnest, the brothers suddenly felt uncertain and felt just as mystified as Elise

all of you about it.” After saying that, Jonah asked Luis to produce a document from a folder. Following that, he looked at Elise and continued, “After thinking about it, I’ve decided that since you’re now my granddaughter as well as my future granddaughter-in-law, the future of the Griffith Family will eventually be in your hands. Thus, I’ve taken the


at him with incredulity–with the exception of Alexander. Jack was the first one to stand up and protest, “Surely this is too rash of you, Grandpa. Even if we leave aside the

added. While he might have now recognized Elise’s position and was even protective of her, 30% of the Griffith Family’s shares was no


he continued, “Not to mention, if we look at things from Miss Sinclair’s perspective, she’s still young and might not be able to protect such large

Jonah’s expression as he listened to their reasoning and he simply looked at her before earnestly answering, “Your

considered as well, but I’ve made up my mind and will not change it. As long as you have no objection, Ellie, you simply need to

conflicted Elise pursed her lips. In truth, 30% of the Griffith Family’s shares wasn’t a small number and it would pose a great temptation

her, however, it was nothing but a

to reject the offer. “This gift is extremely precious, Grandpa, and I can’t accept it. I think you

granddaughter in-law one day, this will be the Griffith Family’s wedding gift to you. If you find your own happiness elsewhere,

As she tried her best to keep her emotions



Then, he

the document and a pen to Elise, where under the audience’s watchful eyes, she took the pen and carefully

settled, then. Thank you,

the document away, he answered, “No

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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