Coolest Girl in Town Chapter 53

Mikayla’s father, Luke, came back around dinnertime. As everyone sat together around the dining room, Elise couldn’t help but feel comfortable around them.

“Don’t be shy, Elise. Make yourself at home.” Luke then turned toward Matthew and said again, “Thank you guys for being our Mikayla’s friends and taking care of her.”

“Dad, do you know that Elise is super smart? She got first place in both the Mathematical Olympiad and Chinese Week’s speech competition. She’s literally my


“You have much to learn from Elise, then.”


Mikayla stuck her tongue out in embarrassment. “Of course. She’s my idol, after all.”

The warm sight of the family being chatty put Elise in an absentminded state, and to hide her emotions, she slightly lowered her head to keep her expression out of sight.


After dinner, Elise and Matthew left Mikayla’s house.

On the way back, she couldn’t help but lean back on her seat and close her eyes to pretend to be asleep. Nevertheless, the image of her being with her parents years ago kept flashing past her mind when she closed her eyes. Despite the memories being old, the images were still crystal clear.

Right then, Elise opened her eyes and looked out of the window before a streak of tears fell from her eye.

“It’s the weekend tomorrow. Do you have any plans?” Matthew asked out of the blue, breaking her out of her thoughts. Immediately, Elise looked away and answered lightly, “I’ll probably work on my assignments.”

Then, Matthew asked again, “I heard that a new hot spring spa opened in the west region of Athesea. Do you want to go to the spa together?”

Elise shook her head. “Nah. I don’t really like hot springs.”

together? There’s a new comedy movie that just premiered, and it’s

Matthew’s enthusiasm undoubtedly

misunderstand me. I was just worried that you might be bored. Besides, my grandpa also wants us to accompany you

but I

rejection behind Elise’s words. I guess maybe I was indeed a little too pushy. “Alright. Let me know if you want to go anywhere, and I’ll bring you


who was descending the stairs. Then Elise took the

he spoke to Elise.

there right away.” Then she went upstairs and headed toward

Matthew tensed up as Alexander warned his brother, saying,

look bothered as he smirked. “What are you talking about? I’m just following grandpa’s wishes and taking care of her. How could you misunderstand my

focus on company work? I heard that the company is going to start a new project, and a huge sum of money has been invested in it. You

I said to you. Do not cross the line.” It was clear that he was talking about Elise instead

in a nonchalant manner, “Don’t worry, Alex. I won’t get involved in company matters, and

“You better.”


Elise knocked on the

“Come in…”

to enter, she pushed the door to the study room open. “Grandpa, I heard

seeing Elise, Jonah smiled before waving at her. “Come here,

“This is one of

taken aback. “Me? I don’t know anything,

pretend as if

end, Elise agreed to Jonas’s proposal as tomorrow was the weekend, and she didn’t have to go to school, anyway.

Group was one of Athesea’s most famous multinational conglomerates, and it was situated right in the most bustling part of the city. They were involved in many industries and had investments from business economics and real estate to the entertainment

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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