Chapter 54

Seeing that Elise finished reading the report, Jonas asked, “What do you think?”

Elise answered truthfully, “Griffith Group’s financial report is outstanding, and there seems to be almost no problem, but…”

She trailed off and glanced at Alexander. “But I think there’s a problem with one of the statistics.”

Upon hearing her, Alexander had his eyes brightened while Jonas looked calm. “Tell me about the problem.”

Elise took the report and flipped it open to page five before pointing at one of the statistics. “This project, the Genesis-although the financial report shows that it is gaining profit, you’ll realize after seeing the same projects that the Genesis is gaining way too little in terms of profit—there might be a problem here.”


Immediately, she pointed out the problem in the report. The projects got the same amount of investments but had discrepancies in profits. It‘s not convincing to me that there‘s nothing fishy about this project.

At this moment, Jonas grinned. “Not bad, Ellie! You have sharp eyes! Alex, get your men to investigate this.”


“Yes, Grandpa.”

“By the way, were you guys discussing hiring a new interpreter during the meeting just now?”

Alexander could feel a headache rising hearing that. If they only needed a regular interpreter, they would definitely have no problem finding one by offering high pay. However, it was too hard to find an interpreter for the Arise language.

“Grandpa, I’ll continue to follow up with the interpreter’s case. We will surely find a suitable candidate.”

“Alright. I won’t get involved in it if that’s so. Still, plan your steps properly.”

“I understand, Grandpa.”

stood up and turned toward Elise. “Ellie, you should stay at the company for a while and return with Alex later on. I still have matters that I need to wrap

don’t have to worry about me. I’ll get back on my own in

quickly interrupted Elise before she could say more. “Don’t worry, Grandpa. I’ll

care of

secretary to bring Elise to the lounge. “You can rest here for a bit. There are

rather awkward, Elise nodded. “Actually, you don’t have to take

promised grandpa that I’ll take care of you well, so don’t make things

no longer refused Alexander’s offer. “Can I borrow

got his secretary to bring Elise a laptop. After settling Elise down, he went back to his office

and rows of codes filled the laptop screen

that they were looking for Arise interpreters during the meeting just now. Coincidentally, Elise studied the Arise


button. At the same time, Alexander’s assistant exclaimed in the president’s office, “Young Master Griffith,

“We shall test this person’s ability through

online assessment.”

“Yes, Young Master Griffith.”

than 3 minutes to translate everything before sending the

Alexander’s assistant sounded really excited while Alexander said lightly,

candidate only does online real-time


“Give me the laptop.”

with a similar speed as Elise. At this moment, Alexander was trying to track the candidate’s

knew that he had finally met his match, so he decided to just contact

Alexander to be so cautious. Thus, she had no choice but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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